52 Fun Facts About Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

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The DC Extended Universe Roadmap

Like I said before, Man of Steel (2013) is the start of it all, but Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will be the booster to the overall franchise.  Warner Bros. / DC will finally bring their legendary characters to life in a massive shared universe called the DC Extended Universe.

Did You Know?

  • The DC Extended Universe has been mapped through 2020 with a plan to release two DC Extended Universe films per year.
  • The future films on the current slate for the DC Extended Universe are Suicide Squad (2016), Wonder Woman (2017), Justice League Part One (2017), The Flash (2018), Aquaman (2018), Shazam (2019), Justice League Part Two (2019), Cyborg (2020), Green Lantern Corps (2020), and an unscheduled and untitled Batman film that could turn into a solo trilogy.
  • The brain trust for the DC Extended Universe is composed of producer Charles Roven, producer/director/writer Zack Snyder, producer Deborah Snyder, DC Comics Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns, and Warner Bros. Executive Vice President John Berg.

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