Dark Knight III: The Master Race #2 Review

Dark Knight III: The Master Race #2

Story by: Frank Miller & Brian Azzarello / Pencils by: Andy Kubert / Inks by: Klaus Janson / Colors by: Brad Anderson / Letters by: Clem Robins / Cover by: Andy Kubert & Klaus Janson / Variant Covers: Jim Lee, Scott Williams & Alex Sinclair, Frank Miller & Alex Sinclair, Dave Gibbons, Klaus Janson & Brad Anderson, Jill Thompson

Dark Knight III: The Master Race #2 is another excellent installment in the newest sequel in the Dark Knight series of books.  The keywords for this chapter are “fast-paced” and “rapid fire.”  Writers Frank Miller and Brian Azzarello give every page movement.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a character giving backstory, exposition, or action scene, the name of the game is giving the reader some surprising revelations.

Like the previous issue — Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1 — this chapter seemed to be on the lean side.  Why?  Well, first of all, Miller and Azzarello make the reader hunger for more.  The ending comes to too soon.  Second, the characters are interesting.  There are three threads going on here: Carrie Kelley’s interrogation (not a spoiler because you know this from the previous book); Lara’s relationship with Wonder Woman; and the restoration of Kandor.

Because of these three threads, we also get a good balance of raw action and cerebral storytelling.  It’s safe to say that most of the thrills and excitement come from Carrie’s thread.  However, Lara’s and the Kandor situation are not lacking in excitement either.  They may not be that physical in nature, but they still move pretty quickly.

Though Lara embraces being a Kryptonian, you can tell that she’s every bit her mother’s daughter.  And that might be the genius behind the panels involving Lara and Wonder Woman.  Lara may try to convince Diana that she’s an alien (along with some physical proof), but her words and her philosophy betray her — her demeanor and stoic nature are what make her one-hundred percent Amazonian.

Kubert brings it again with the art.  You can tell this is his own style, but he keeps it consistent with Miller’s past work.  This gives Dark Knight III: The Master Race #2 a sort of consistency with the rest of the series and the books before it.  The strongest homage to The Dark Knight Returns are the initial pages of #2.  The muted colors virtually scream “Miller.”

Next: The Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1 Review

Dark Knight III: The Master Race #2 is a well-balanced story that’s not short on excitement and developments.  My initial guess of #1’s slow pacing being due to extra exposition was proven true.  This chapter is not top-heavy and mixes some good character development with some thrills.  At times, I thought Azzarello may have taken over writing duties from Miller, but you are definitely reminded that this is a Miller book (a couple of panels show Miller’s signature blunt violence).  With these pluses in storytelling, paired with Kubert’s art, you have another strong installment in an already great series.