Dark Knight III One December’s Top Sellers


Frank Miller’s return to the Dark Knight was one of the top-sellers for December

Frank Miller had a successful return to the world of the Dark Knight, as Dark Knight III was one of the top-selling comic book titles in December. But it wasn’t the only Batman-related title in the top ten.

Dark Knight III #2 was in fact the number two selling title in December according to Diamond Comic Distributors (#1 was issue eight of Marvel’s Secret Wars). Also in the top ten was Batman’s team-up with the heroes in a half-shell, Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 at four, Batman #47 at five and Harley Quinn made the top ten as well with Harley’s Little Black Book #1 at number eight.

But even though the Dark Knight obviously had an excellent December and shows no signs of slowing down, Batman is no match for the mega team of Marvel & Star Wars. Marvel owned December, claiming the remaining six spots out of the top 10, and except for Secret Wars, all of those were Star Wars comics. And for the year 2015, Marvel commanded an impressive 37.09% compared to DC’s 29.32% for the year.

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Of course, Marvel has one advantage that DC does not, and that is of course that they have movies to bolster their comics. Obviously Star Wars is a direct example of that. Now, Star Wars is much bigger than Marvel & DC, so I doubt even the start of the DC cinematic universe will actually push them past Marvel next year, but it certainly could make that gap in market share close a bit more.

h/t CBR