The Killing Joke Animated Movie Premiering In July

The Killing Joke Will Premiere At This Year’s San Diego Comic Con

Heading to this year’s San Diego Comic Con? Then you’ll be able to attend the premiere of the animated adaptation of The Killing Joke, Bruce Timm told Wizard World’s ConTV today.

The Killing Joke adaptation will be produced by Bruce Timm, responsible for some of the best DC animated shows ever such as Batman: The Animated Series and The Justice League. Timm also revealed that they will be adding some story to the Killing Joke movie as the comic apparently doesn’t contain enough for a feature-length movie:

"The one big difference about it, as opposed to those other projects (The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 & Part 2), is The Killing Joke… the source material is really not long enough to make an entire feature film out of. So we actually had to add a lot more story to it. Which is tricky. But I think we came up with a really good solution on how that worked."

Odds are it won’t be anything that drastically changes the story, but just adds a little more depth to it. There are still plenty of lingering questions about this long overdue adaptation of The Killing Joke though.

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Will it be rated R, for example? The Killing Joke is a very mature and violent story, and it would seem a disservice o try and tone it down. Whether that means an R rating for a animated film, we don’t except that we’ve been told Warner Bros, is ok with pushing the movie that far. And while it will be premiering at this year’s SDCC in July, we still don’t know when it will be out on home video and digital formats. My guess is we will hear that news at SDCC, but man that seems like a long wait.
