All-New X-Men #4 Preview: Flesh Wounds Begins

Uh, Wolverine? Just because you have that healing factor doesn’t mean you need to stand in the fire like that. In any case, that memorable image by artist Mark Bagley is from the cover of All-New X-Men #4, which kicks off the “Flesh Wounds” arc.

The Ghosts of Cyclops have been defeated, so everything is hunky dory, right? Well, maybe not everything. The All-New X-Men are at least back together as a group, and they’re hitting the road in order to carve out a place for themselves on the new Prime Earth and to start becoming the heroes they are destined to be. However the journey won’t necessarily be completely smooth, especially when Wolverine ends up facing off with the Blob in a battle between unstoppable force and immovable object.

At least that old X-Men villain is dressing a little nicer these days, as you can see in the preview pages we’ve got for you right here.

Is it just me, or is Laura also smiling when she’s riddled with bullets in that preview? Maybe she’s just becoming a show-off with her powers these days …

Next: Spider-Man #1 Preview

In any case, we’ll get to see how Wolverine and pals deal with the big man when All-New X-Men #4 arrives in stores from Dennis Hopeless and Bagley on February 10.