Is DC Comics Rebooting Yet Again?

DC Comics may be doing a reboot of it’s comic universe. Again.

So, in 2011 DC Comics drastically rebooted it’s entire universe with the “New 52”. There were some big changes. Superman wore a t-shirt and jeans! Also some bigger stuff happened like Batgirl recovering from her supposedly permanent paralysis, Lois Lane and Clark Kent were never a thing, etc. Then last year, only 4 years after the “New 52” reboot, DC Comics  did another reboot with “Convergence”, though more of a soft one as the “New 52” continuity remained, but also bringing back a bunch of things that were erased from continuity before the “Flashpoint” storyline which created the “New 52” universe in the first place.

Still with me? Well apparently, DC Comics might be doing ANOTHER reboot. Why? To line up with the movies of course.

So here’s what is going on. DC Comics Co-publisher Jim Lee tweeted the featured image, without any explanation behind it. The word is that “Rebirth” is a soft reboot much like last year’s “Convergence” was. So what will happen with this one? Essentially, if a character is in a movie or TV show, expect them to get a big push. If not, their titles may not be around much longer. Although reportedly if a title is popular even without a TV show or movie currently in the works, they are safe. Any characters that are part of this new focus would get a new #1 issue.

Next: Harley Quinn & Her Gang Of Harleys Announced

Hey if it was up to me, every DC title would have a TV show or movie in the works, but this seems like a bad and arbitrary plan. It’s not like DC’s most popular heroes are in any danger in the first place, but any title that is on the bubble or is struggling a bit may not stick around much longer so we can get yet another book featuring Batman or Superman. If anything, the hopefully booming movie and TV business of DC should be license for DC to be riskier with their comics side, not safer.
