The Flash Season 2, Episode 11 Synopsis: The Reverse-Flash Returns

Sometimes you can just get straight to the point with a simple episode title and let it speak for itself, no gimmicks needed. As a very relevant example, I present this week’s new episode of The Flash, which is called “The Reverse-Flash Returns.” Do fans of the show need to know anything more than that to get excited and tune in?

I think not. The thing is, as we saw in the final scene of episode 10, this is once again the actual Eobard Thawne under the yellow mask. That should be impossible since he was wiped from the timeline in the Season 1 finale after the heroic self-sacrifice of Eddie Thawne. But the impossible is stock-in-trade on this series, and there are several ways that the Reverse-Flash could be back to torment the S.T.A.R. Labs crew.

The question is whether this is a Thawne from a parallel world or if perhaps Barry Allen’s mucking with the timestream has allowed him to survive his presumed fate. The official synopsis from The CW keeps its cards close to the vest in that regard, as you can see here:

"When Cisco (Carlos Valdes) gets a vibe of Eobard Thawne (guest star Matthew Letscher), Barry (Grant Gustin) and the team don’t believe it. But, after an attack at Mercury Labs, Christina McGee (guest star Amanda Pays) confirms that the Reverse Flash is back. Meanwhile, Iris (Candice Patton) and Francine (guest star Vanessa A. Williams) share a nice moment that brings Iris closer to her brother, Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale). Michael Allowitz directed the episode written by Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing (#211)."

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We saw the ice begin to melt ever so slightly when it came to Wally’s feeling about the family he’s never known at the very end of the previous episode, when he decided to sit down and have Chinese food with Joe West instead of rushing back to Keystone City as he originally planned. If Iris can make some headway with him too, we might not have to wait much longer to have a more likable character on our hands, though it remains to be seen if it’s his destiny to gain his own super-speed before the end of the season.

The other thing to watch this week will be Barry’s mental state after receiving the bombshell from Patty Spivot that she was giving up on their relationship and leaving Central City. He’s likely to blame the advice he got from Harry Wells not to tell Patty his secret, so that decision could have longer lasting effects than simply a grumpy Flash. Will Barry look for sympathy for Iris? And will Joe have to break in yet another new partner?

While we ponder these bits waiting for The Flash and the return of the man in yellow on Tuesday, January 26 at 8 pm, we’re thinking the team at The Flash After Show from is doing the same.

Hosts Dylan Landon, Devon Stewart, Lauren Mayhew and Jack Hind are preparing to go live with their latest episode at 9:15 pm Eastern time on the 26th, and you can have a chance to get your question answered by one of them live on the air by tweeting it with the hashtag #TheFlashAS. You don’t even have to wait until Tuesday, so get to it now!