In Batman v Superman, Wonder Woman is older than anybody might’ve guessed
They say never ask a woman her age, but we are pretty aware that Wonder Woman is an old soul by the time Batman v Superman runs around. I mean, at least part of her solo movie coming out next year has her being an active participant in World War I. But Wonder Woman has been around longer than that. Much longer.
As of Batman v Superman, Wonder Woman is 5000 years old. That is revealed in the upcoming issue of Empire Magazine that focuses on Batman v Superman. You talk about Batman being around awhile and being a burned out superhero. Wonder Woman is actually retired at the start of Batman v Superman.
And why is she retired? As Gal Gadot, who is playing Wonder Woman in Batman v Superman explains, Wonder Woman has seen and done it all, and specifically seen how humans can be, and it made it very hard for her to come back and fight for mankind again.
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Of course, this leads to a lot of questions. What ultimately made Wonder Woman retire? And what motivates her to come back? Will we see much of her life before World War I? Some of the answers to these questions will almost definitely have to wait until the solo Wonder Woman movie (and possibly some later sequels), but we may get at least some clues in Batman v Superman, which opens March 25th in theaters nationwide.
h/t CBM