Gotham Stories, an animated comic based on the show, will air during episodes of the X-Files
What’s that Gothamites? You are in bad need of your weekly fix of Gotham, the craziest comic book show on TV? Well Fox may have a sort of patch for you. Not as satisfying as the real thing, but enough to get you through the ext five weeks until Gotham actually returns.
Gotham Stories is a five-part animated comic series that will air during episodes of the X-Files. SO if you haven’t been watching the return of one of sci-fi’s all time great shows, this may give you a reason. Not a ton is revealed in the very brief trailer but it seems to focus on happenings specifically in the criminal underworld of Gotham, possibly specifically on Penguin, Selina Kyle and most interestingly villainous newcomer Mr. Freeze. Check it out below:
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Being that Gotham stories is airing during another show, I’m betting each episode won’t be horribly long, no more than a couple minutes because hey that’s valuable ad time! I also really hope Fox just throws them up online to watch at our leisure, because it might be nice to watch all 5 chapters in one go and I don’t want to miss an episode if for some reason I can’t watch X-Files. I doubt it will contain any mind-blowing information you won’t learn about when Gotham returns on February 29th, but as I stated earlier, it’s a nice way to get a little bit of a Gotham fix before the show proper returns.