Let’s see here. In the Los Angeles of Agent Carter Season 2, there’s more going on than it might first appear. Secrets are being kept, weird science is involved and some people who are supposed to be helping Peggy Carter are actually bad guys. In other words, she should feel right at home!
As Peggy attempts to figure out who she can trust, even within the SSR, she’s already made some headway when it comes to revealing this season’s true villain. She rattled the cage of Whitney Frost last week, but unfortunately, she has no idea that Frost has received some terrifying new abilities from her encounter with Zero Matter, abilities Whitney can’t even control.
It’s also become very apparent that Vernon Masters (played by Kurtwood Smith) is part of the problem and not the solution. If he figures out what’s going on with Frost — or the now ghost-like Jason Wilkes, for that matter — things are going to get even more complicated than they already are.
The official Agent Carter synopses from ABC and Marvel rarely give us too much to digest, but this week’s summary of new episode “Smoke & Mirrors” is even more bare bones than most:
"Agent Carter and the SSR learn there’s more than just a pretty face behind Hollywood star Whitney Frost, Peggy’s most dangerous foe yet."
Uh, thanks for that, I guess. If anything, this synopsis suggests that Frost won’t be hiding her newly transformed nature after this week, even if she wears a mask. Get it? I’ll be here all week.
Related Story: Agent Carter: Who is Madame Masque?
“Smoke & Mirrors” will air Tuesday, February 2 at 9 pm on ABC. Be sure to join us back here on Bam Smack Pow for a full recap and review by our own Christina Lazzara, who will happily dive right into whatever new mess Peggy, Jarvis and company find themselves in this week.