Arrow Season 4, Episode 12 Synopsis: Unchained


Arsenal is back on Arrow! Now the question is whether Roy Harper has only returned for one night or if he’s going to stick around to give Team Arrow more firepower in its battle against Damien Darhk.

Green Arrow and friends might need Roy’s assistance as they tangle with the Calculator. Plus we’ll see another character who’s been away from the action for a while, promising to make the situation in Star City even more complicated.

Here’s the official synopsis for this week’s new episode, “Unchained,” courtesy of The CW:

"The team faces off against a formidable villain nicknamed The Calculator (guest star Tom Amandes). Meanwhile, Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) makes her move and Roy Harper (guest star Colton Haynes) returns to Star City. Kevin Fair directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Beth Schwartz."

The fact that Colton Haynes is listed as a guest star probably means Roy won’t be staying, unless the producers just don’t want to tip their hand. Surely, he’ll look up Thea Queen while he’s in town, though she has moved on in the romance department with Alex Davis, Oliver’s campaign manager. Maybe Roy will at least take his costume and bow with him this time …

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As for Nyssa, there’s no real reason for her to get involved in the situation in Star City, unless it’s to get the location of Sara Lance (who’s busy over on Legends of Tomorrow). So the move the synopsis refers to could be an attempt to dethrone Malcolm Merlyn as head of the League of Assassins, something she’s already promised him she’d try. Just a thought: Would she be desperate enough to try to get help from Darhk? The enemy of my enemy and all that.

The Calculator is historically a Batman foe in DC Comics, though he wouldn’t be the first member from the Dark Knight’s roster of villains to show up here. Originally a silly gimmick-type villain who had super powers because of the large pocket calculator he wore (no, really), he was updated in more recent years to become a behind the scenes string-pulling type, dangerous because of his vast intellect and his nearly unparalleled number of underworld connections. I’d expect the Arrow version to be more like that.

Next: Arrow: Code Names for Diggle, Felicity Confirmed

Season 4 of Arrow has definitely been heating up since it came back from its winter break, and this episode looks like no exception. Be sure to catch “Unchained” on February 3 at 8 pm on The CW, and rejoin us after the show for our full recap and review.