Arrow Season 4, Episode 14 Synopsis: Code Of Silence

Damien Darhk and HIVE have been playing it cool the last few weeks on Arrow, when the subplot involving Thea Queen, Malcolm Merlyn and the League of Assassins took center stage. That looks like it will change in a big way in “Code of Silence,” with the battle for the soul of Star City coming back to the forefront.

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It could be for the body of Star City as well, considering that what we know so far about Darhk’s plan sounds a bit … apocalyptic. Malcolm Merlyn and his friends may have been trying to destroy part of Oliver Queen’s hometown in Season 1, and it’s been in danger of being overrun in each of the last two seasons, but this could be The End, capital letters needed, if Team Arrow can’t figure out a way to stop HIVE.

The problem now is that Oliver doesn’t know what Damien knows regarding his son William. If the war between the two men wasn’t personal enough already, it’s only going to go further down that path in the final 10 episodes of Season 4.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Here’s the official synopsis for “Code of Silence” from The CW:

"Oliver (Stephen Amell) and team uncover HIVE’s plan to take out Team Arrow once and for all. With HIVE’s next attack imminent, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) wonders if Donna (guest star Charlotte Ross) is safer without him in her life. Meanwhile, with the wedding fast approaching, Oliver begins to feel guilty that he hasn’t told Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) about his son."

It’s certainly been troublesome since the Flash/Arrow crossover that Oliver’s word to the mother of his son has apparently been more important to him then coming clean with the love of his life. Not an easy situation, to be sure, and it’s nice to see the writers haven’t decided that it’s done yet.

While the synopsis doesn’t mention it, this week’s new episode will also feature the debut of the Demolition Team, a somewhat goofy team from DC Comics that were able to give Green Lantern’s friends a hard time when he was off-planet. The Arrow version of the group looks quite a bit more serious, and they should be able to give the more street level Team Arrow a good fight.

We’ll see if that’s the case on February 17 at 8 pm when “Code of Silence” kicks off the stretch run for Arrow Season 4. Be sure to come back to Bam Smack Pow about 20-30 minutes after the East Coast airing for our recap and review.

And at 10:15 pm Eastern time, head to for the Arrow After Show. Hosts Adam Kruger, Jack Hind, Carolina Bonetti and Olivia De Bortoli will discuss all of the latest developments, including your questions tweeted with the hashtag #ArrowAfterShow. Don’t miss it!