Web-Warriors #4 Review: The Electro Boogie

Web-Warriors #4
Written by Mike Costa
Art by David Baldeon and Walden Wong
Colored by Jason Keith, Matt Yackey, Wil Quintana and Antonio Fabela
Published by Marvel Comics

Web-Warriors was not a book I ever planned to read.

Unlike many, I was not a huge fan of “Spider-Verse,” the massive Spider-Man event that closed out the previous run of Amazing Spider-Man before the beginning of Secret Wars. I felt it had too many tie-in issues, lacked focus and direction, and overall was a huge letdown from Dan Slott, who is usually a writer who can do wonders with a premise with a grand scale.

So when it was announced that Web-Warriors would be launching as part of the All-New, All-Different Marvel, I shrugged my shoulders, ignored it and went on with my life.

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But then, in spite of myself, I picked up the first issue. Why you ask? Why would I pick up a comic that I just explained I had no interest in?


Do I need to explain any further?

After enjoying the first issue way more than I should have, I have officially become hooked. Web-Warriors has quickly found a place in my heart as a comic I honestly look forward to each month. It represents everything I love about comics in one simple package.

Web-Warriors #4 is another great issue that continues the “Electroverse” storyline as the group is split in two, with Spider-Gwen trying to reconnect with the rest of the Warriors while the bulk of the group is stuck on a world run by steam, where fixing the tech needed to fight the Electros and get home could be a problem.

First of all, Web-Warriors is funny — in a very Silver Age, almost goofy kind of way. Funny in the way that Amazing Spider-Man was funny before the book (and comics in general) took themselves a bit too seriously. And Spider-Ham isn’t even the reason for most of the laughs. Just the fact they are fighting a multiverse of Electros should be enough to get a giggle out of most readers.

In addition, anyone who loved the old Alan Davis Captain Britain/Excalibur stories from years ago will find that same feeling here in Web-Warriors. The book has a concept that means almost any type of story can be told, and writer Mike Costa uses that to mine the Marvel Universe for a group of Spider-People who function as archetypes of all the classic comic book heroes we all grew up reading, throws them together and somehow makes it work.

And did I mention the art by David Baldeon is just perfect? His style reminds me a great deal of Todd Nauck, which is never a bad thing. His Spider-Gwen in particular is much better than what you see in her own book, and anyone who can draw that many different versions of Electro deserves some proper recognition.

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The Bottom Line: Web-Warriors #4 continues what has been a series I have quickly realized I cannot live without. It’s funnier than Amazing Spider-Man, visually more interesting than Spider-Gwen and has a story that runs circles around Spider-Woman. It is the best of the many Spider-Man titles currently being published and it should not be missed by anyone.

Besides, where else are you going to see a Doctor Octopus that is an actual octopus?