Reviewers aren’t being too kind in the early going for Batman v Superman
Batman v Superman is out this weekend, but reviews are coming out for the film right now! Although maybe that’s not a good thing, because most of them are pretty negative…
Granted, it’s still early in the review game, with less than 30 separate reviews posted between review aggregate sites Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes, but the early outlook is not good. At Rotten Tomatoes, Batman v Superman is clocking in at an extremely rotten and moldy 14% as of this writing, with only 2 positive reviews out of 14, and even those positive ones aren’t all that positive.
Batman v Superman is faring better on Metacritic, but still hovering around, the 50% range, and again, the most positive reviews aren’t glowing.
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So is Batman v Superman destined to be yet another disappointment? Well, again, it’s still pretty early, we’ll have to see where these percentages and averages end up, but it’s probably a good early indicator. Most of the reviews, negative or positive, say Batman v Superman is an improvement over Man Of Steel, so that may turn the tide in it’s favor when all is said and done. Will these reviews have any impact of Batman v Superman’s box office? It’s opening weekend will probably be huge no matter what, but it still really needs legs to be the box office hit to justify being the launchpad for the DC Universe.
Batman v Superman may end up being a perfectly fine film that happens to have a widely divided opinion on whether it’s positives outweigh it’s negatives. Man of Steel certainly has it’s fans. But Batman v Superman can’t really afford to be another Man of Steel. In order for it not to be considered a flop, it pretty much has to be the next Avengers or Dark Knight in terms of box office success if not critical. I’m still seeing it Thursday as 6 pm, but I’m not keeping my hopes up. Maybe I’ll hate Batman v Superman, maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised. But if Batman v Superman turns out to be just as divisive as Man of Steel was, that could be disastrous for Batman v Superman’s box office, which is the only number Warner Bros. will care about as far as the future of DC movies is concerned.