Gotham: Nygma Still Figuring Things Out

Edward Nygma has definitely embraced his criminal side, but he’s still figuring things out on Gotham

Edward Nygma had his first real Riddler-like scheme on this week’s episode of Gotham. And it was a wondrous success, getting Detective James Gordon in prison for seemingly the next several decades. Although this success has certainly emboldened Nygma, Cory Michael Smith, who plays Edward Nygma on Gotham, says his character is still figuring things out:

"I think that the fact that this goes off as planned is so cool. (Laughs.) It’s really interesting, and the fact that it comes off is really a vote of confidence in himself, you know? I think he wants to stick around and enjoy how people respond to Jim Gordon being in jail, to make sure that he’s covered all of his tracks — I think he wants to see everyone try and figure it out, and fail. He wants to relish that.He has to figure out what he wants to do. He’s embraced the idea of being a criminal — and also, this episode shows that he doesn’t understand that he’s exploring his trademark yet. It’s not like he’s decided, ‘Oh, I am the Riddler, I’m going to be famous for puzzles and I’m going to use a question mark as my calling card.’ It just kind of happens. It’s the birth of the Riddler, and he doesn’t know it yet. This is an exciting moment where he’s like, “I’m really good at this!”"

Next: Gotham: Prisoners Preview

Smith also teased that Gotham will start to explore the “trickster” aspect of The Riddler, going through this season and continuing into season 3.  So be sure to watch Edward Nygma’s continuing transformation into the classic Batman villain The Riddler by tuning into Gotham Monday nights on Fox!

h/t The Hollywood Reporter