Check out several new clips from tonight’s episode of Gotham!
Well, after Batman v Superman’s huge opening weekend, it’s time to get back to your weekly pre-Batman show, Gotham. And tonight’s episode, “Prisoners”, finds Jim Gordon in a new and extremely volatile situation, and Penguin with his new family which seems way less welcoming than his newly discovered father.
In case you need a refresher, here’s a synopsis for tonight’s episode of Gotham, “Prisoners”:
"After Gordon is removed from protective custody, he begins to face new threats and dangers inside prison walls. In order to survive, he must rely on a new friend, as well as Bullock and other outside help. Meanwhile, Penguin grows closer to his father, while his step-mother and step-siblings move forward with their own plans for the family."
In the clips below, Gotham’s Jim McKenzie talks about Jim Gordon’s new situation, how he’s going to possibly survive Blackgate Prison and why they put Jim Gordon in jail. There’s also two clips focusing on Penguin and his family. One seems to hint at Penguin’s violent tendencies being genetically passed down from his grandfather (but skipping his kindly father) and the other has Oswald at dinner with his new family, where being declared his father’s only blood relative seems to put the rest of the family at ill ease. Check out the clips below:
Next: Gotham: Nygma Still Figuring Things Out
How will Gordon survive Blackgate? Will he just escape, and how? Will Bullock be able to prove that Gordon was framed (ultimately for a crime he committed by the way, just also one he didn’t)? Penguin’s father seems to welcoming him with open arms, but what about the rest of his new”family”, and will his conditioning last (probably not)? Find out the answers to these questions and more on an all new episode of Gotham tonight on Fox!