Marvel Announces Civil War II: Kingpin


While the heroes are fighting it out in Civil War II, what will happen to the villains? Civil War II: Kingpin #1 will attempt to answer that very question.

During the events of the original Civil War, the question of what would happen to all the super-villains while Iron Man and Captain America beat the snot out of each other was answered early on. Most were used as foot soldiers as part of a new Thunderbolts program that led to a major changes to the long-running Marvel title.

So of course with a second Civil War about to erupt, the question has been asked again: while the heroes beat each other senseless, who will be watching the activities of the super-villain crowd?

This time it looks like Wilson Fisk, aka the Kingpin of Crime, is on the case and that isn’t good news for anybody.

On Monday Marvel announced that this July will see the launch of Civil War II: Kingpin #1, a four-issue miniseries by newcomers Matthew Rosenberg (We Can Never Go Home) and Ricardo Lopez Ortiz (Wolf) and will include a variant cover by Esad Ribic (Secret Wars).

From the Marvel press release:

"A new Inhuman with the ability to predict the future has helped the heroes of the Marvel Universe stop crime before it even happens. But amid this crackdown on the villains, one man has found a way to thrive. Wilson Fisk has a secret, and its helped him stay a step ahead of the good guys and keep his criminal enterprise running like clockwork. But how? What is his secret?!What secret is Fisk keeping that’s kept his house of cards from tumbling down? More importantly – what will happen when that secret gets out? Don’t miss CIVIL WAR II: KINGPIN #1 when it comes to comic shops and digital devices this July!"

When asked by about the miniseries and what is motivating the Kingpin, Rosenberg had this to say:

"“Wilson Fisk is an opportunist, first and foremost,” says in an interview with “Under his selfish motives, his brutal exterior, or even the façade he puts up as a pillar of his community, he is a man who sees ways to benefit himself and he takes them. The new Civil War will provide him a unique opportunity. He is a Civil War profiteer.”"

Civil War II launches this May from Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez. Civil War II: Kingpin #1 will arrive in comic shops in July.