Making Of Dark Knight Trilogy Now Online

Watch “The Fire Rises”, a documentary all about Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy, right now!

Just in time for Throwback Thursday! The Dark Knight Trilogy (Batman Begins, Dark Knight, Dark Knight Rises) directed by Christopher Nolan, was a seminal series of films. They proved you could not only do a serious, grounded take on comic books, but also brought Batman and to some extent comic book movies in general back from movie banishment after the embarrassing failure that was Batman and Robin.

If you own the “Ultimate Collector’s Edition” Of the Dark Knight Trilogy on Blu-Ray, it had a very extensive and awesome behind the scenes documentary on the entire trilogy called “The Fire Rises”. But that documentary was locked away on he special box set. Until now.

“The Fire Rises” is an extensive 76 minute look at The Dark Knight Trilogy, what went into making the films, and the lasting impact of the film series. It features interviews with journalists and critics such as Richard Roeper, Warner Bros. executives and screenwriters like David Goyer and even nerd culture pundit Chris Hardwick. Definitely worth a watch if you have about an hour and sixteen minutes free:

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Obviously the impact of The Dark Knight Trilogy is still being felt today. Batman v Superman is deeply impacted by the fact that a dark and serious take on comic books was so successful (although one could argue it went a little too far in that direction) and after all, Chris Nolan still served as an executive producer on that film, having a lot of involvement in the direction. The Dark Knight Trilogy was a uniquely visionary series of films that’s unlikely to be matched anytime soon, and it is certainly worth going back a few years and seeing how people were reacting to it.

h/t CBR