Suicide Squad: David Ayer Is ‘Psychotic’

Jai Courtney has a lot of admiration (and small amounts of fear) of Suicide Squad director David Ayer

A lot has been said and written that about Jared Leto getting into and staying into character for the role of The Joker on Suicide Squad. While everyone was pretty complimentary of his dedication and performance, it made for some weird behavior by the actor and made his castmates just a little intimidated by him.

Apparently Jai Courtney, who plays Captain Boomerang on Suicide Squad, was equally intimidated by the film’s director David Ayer. He had a great time on set and would love to work with Ayer in the future, but describes him as, well, just a bit psychotic:

"Psychotic. He is the man. He’s one of the greats. I think he has an amazing future ahead of him, and I hope we get to work together again. I have nothing but admiration for him, and small amounts of fear. That about sums it up. He loves that attention to detail, and he’s not interested in comfort. Nothing is about making anything easy for anyone. And that’s not about making it hard, it’s just that when you’re off center, it creates a space for wonderful things to happen. That’s the world he likes to play in, and I think that’s very exciting."

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I wonder if that is how other cast members of Suicide Squad would describe David Ayer (or casts of his previous films for that matter). To be fair, to take on a movie like this, it might help to be a little bit psychotic and not horribly concerned with how comfortable your actors are, just getting the performance out of them you need. We’ll find out if that translates well onto the big screen when Suicide Squad opens in theaters August 5th.

h/t Collider