Batman: Arkham Asylum has over 70 Easter Eggs. See them all in this video!
The Arkham video game series is easily the best series of superhero games ever. No question about it. It set a new bar for comic book games and really games in general. And it all started with Arkham Asylum, which was a tremendous first entry. For many gamers, it is still their favorite in the high acclaimed series.
And it wasn’t just the spectacular gameplay featured in Arkham Asylum or even how well the game nailed the portrayal of nearly all the iconic characters in it. What really helped the game reach that extra wow factor was the little things. Not just details, but dozens upon dozens of Easter Eggs just laying around for hardcore Batman fans to find and enjoy, as well as some that were specific references to art styles or specific stories or even future planned Arkham games.
In fact, Arkham Asylum has at least 75 Easter Eggs. Youtube user Riley Nicholas has compiled them all in this one hand dandy video for you to peruse. Most of the Easter Eggs in Arkham Asylum as you would suspect are references to or appearances of villains Batman has fought over his many years of existence. But others are references to other shows and movies, and even a real life street. Check out the video below and see how many you have found:
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Of course, this may not actually be every single Easter Egg in Arkham Asylum. I mean, the one about Arkham City was so damn obscure developers had to let people know about it, so there may easily be other they told no one about. Will there be more of these kind of Easter Eggs included in the heavily rumored almost certainly real Arkham HD collection? Maybe not but I’m sure people will spend many hours trying to find out.
h/t CBR