Prepare For Civil War: 25 Greatest Captain America Moments In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

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#12 – Cap and Falcon Take On SHIELD and the Helicarriers

From: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

The mission is simple: infiltrate a Hydra controlled Triskelion; fight against an army of agents and soldiers who know you’re coming; and take down three automated Helicarriers. Yeah, piece of cake. Well, maybe you should bring along a friend … you know, just in case you need him to hold your shield.

When the Helicarrier drones are about to go online, Cap and Falcon waste no time getting on board each craft. Jumping from a height that’s enough to kill a normal human being, Cap lands on one of the Helicarrier drones.

Cap takes on an army of Hydra loyalists with Maria Hill giving him a live countdown of the little time he has left. As he races against the clock to switch out the chips, Cap encounters his former best friend — Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier.

Next: #11 - There's more than one way to stop a fight