Prepare For Civil War: 25 Greatest Captain America Moments In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

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#11 – The Shield vs. Mjolnir

From: The Avengers (2012)

The first time Iron Man and Thor meet, they’re fighting over who gets custody of Loki. Yeah, it sounds a lot like divorce court. The squabble quickly turns into an all out battle in a secluded forest. With repulsor beams and Mjolnir strikes illuminating the night, Thor and Iron Man are almost evenly matched.

Seeing the ridiculousness of these two, Captain America, level-headed as always, steps in to break it up. However, Thor doesn’t take kindly to commands telling him to put his hammer down. As Thor launches into the air, ready to strike, Cap raises his shield to protect himself. With the two legendary weapons coming into fierce contact, a shockwave levels the entire forest.

Next: #10 - Turning the tide of war