Prepare For Civil War: 25 Greatest Captain America Moments In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

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#10 – Fighting Hydra Montage

From: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

After rescuing Bucky Barnes and the rest of his unit from Hydra, Steve Rogers is allowed by Colonel Phillips to fully participate in the war. With Howard Stark providing Steve a new suit, state-of-the-art equipment, and vibranium shield, our hero goes to war as Captain America.

Scene-after-scene we see Captain America lead soldiers on various successful missions taking down Hydra installations. Wielding his shield with expertise and Bucky on-point to snipe out any unseen enemies, Cap is an unstoppable Allied force. At one point, an angered Red Skull vents his frustrations to his men because they can’t “outwit a simpleton with a shield.” That alone is high praise.

Next: #9 - He's been to that game