Gotham Season 2, Episode 21 Recap And Review: “Wrath Of The Villains: A Legion Of Horribles”

On the penultimate episode of Season Two of Gotham, Jim, Bruce, Alfred, and Lucius form a plan to find Hugo Strange’s hidden lab.

“A Legion of Horribles” saw Bruce form a plan—with help from Jim, Lucius, and Alfred— to find and save Selina, and collect hard evidence against Hugo Strange. But the team gets more than they bargained for when they step into Arkham Asylum.

Spoilerific Recap: Starting right where we left off in “Unleashed,” Bridgit—now calling herself Firefly—ignites her flamethrower. After a short chase around the lab, Selina is able to do a quick sneak attack and temporarily render her friend unconscious.

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Bruce goes to the agreed rendezvous point to meet Selina, but runs into Ivy instead. He blames himself for Selina’s current predicament and leaves.

At GCPD, Harvey holds a press conference about the death of Azrael / Theo Galavan and announces that he is currently the acting captain—something he really doesn’t want to be. Bruce rushes in and finds Jim, telling him about Selina.

At an unknown location, a woman with a voice modulator watches the news—on her desk is a mask resembling the features of an owl.

Strange has resurrected another inmate, Basil—who awakens to the horror of being able to stretch his facial tissue. Strange’s next experiment is the resurrection of Patient 13—Fish Mooney.

Aflred admonished Bruce for involving Selina in the first place. Lucius believes there’s a hidden facility at Arkham Asylum. Due to Strange’s experiments, there may be a traceable emission of radiation. If so, he can find an entrance. Bruce will ask Strange for a tour of Arkham to get Lucius and Jim inside. Alfred is adamantly opposed to the idea.

Strange plans to use cuttlefish DNA to resurrect Fish Mooney.

As punishment for trying to escape, Ed is housed with a known cannibalistic inmate. Peabody agrees to let him out after Ed promises valuable information on how to stop Jim—who’s inevitably coming back to Arkham to bring Strange down.

Fish is finally resurrected.

Before Bruce leaves, Alfred tells him that he won’t stop him for doing something he believes in.

Strange greets Fish and welcomes her with a new name. However, Fish rejects it because her memories are intact. Locking her up in a cell, Strange is fascinated that Fish is not like their other experiments. He hypothesizes that she may have other abilities. When the subject comes up, Strange agrees to let Ed have a chance at neutralizing Jim.

Getting an unexpected call that Bruce and Lucius have arrived, Strange goes to the gates to meet them. Bruce finagles a tour after threatening to pull funding for Arkham. And we soon see that Jim is hiding in the trunk of the car.

Jim pretends to be one of the asylum’s guards and sneaks in with a fake ID. Peabody leads Lucius on a tour where he quickly goes about detecting the radiation signature. As the two approach the lower levels, Lucius finds a signal and marks the location.

Strange recollects to Bruce the arguments he had with Thomas and thought the situation may have played out better had Thomas not been so principled. Bruce takes Strange’s statements as an admission of guilt.

Jim finds Lucius’s mark and proceeds to find a way in.

Strange attempts to convince Bruce to not follow his parents’ path. Knowing that Bruce will not stop, Strange has him, Lucius, and Jim apprehended.

Selina has restrained Bridgit and uses her flamethrower in an attempt to blast through the wall, eventually failing

A guard gives Fish her lunch, but she’s not satisfied with it. She grabs the guard’s hand and demands a grilled cheese sandwich. The guard promptly leaves with no argument.

Strange is contacted by the mysterious woman. This time, she’s wearing the owl mask. She’s disappointed at his progress. However, Strange brings up his one success—Fish Mooney. The woman is interested in repeating that process and wants Strange to destroy all evidence of Indian Hill and move the facility upstate.

The guard returns to Fish and brings her a grilled cheese sandwich, hinting to her that she has the power of influence.

Bridgit regains consciousness and believes that she’s a goddess sent to cleanse the world with fire. Selina tries to get through to her friend, but Bridgit’s conditioning is too strong. Selina fires the flamethrower when Bridgit raises hers. To Selina’s surprise, Bridgit is invulnerable to the flames. As a last resort, Selina drops to her knees and claims that she’s a dedicated servant and follower. Bridgit believes her and spares her life.

Alfred meets Harvey and discloses to him their plans in breaking into Arkham. As captain, Harvey dispatches the GCPD’s Strike Force.

Lucius is finally escorted into the same holding room as Bruce. Ed surprises them by introducing himself on the intercom, taunting them.

Jim is dragged into the resurrection chamber where a contraption is placed on his head and a solution is poured in.

Ed demands to know what they know about Strange and who they’ve told. If they don’t cooperate, they’ll be killed with poison gas. Lucius is able to identify Ed’s voice. Showing them that he’s serious, Ed gives them five minutes to come clean before gassing them to death.

Bringing in Basil, Strange makes a long-winded speech about how he’s molding the future. He finally has the contraption removed from Jim’s head and placed on Basil’s.

In a series of ending shots: GCPD’s Strike Force race to Arkham; Bruce and Lucius grow desperate as the clock counts down; Selina and Bridgit work together to escape; and Fish admires her new abilities.

The contraption is removed from Basil’s head, revealing a face that has morphed into Jim’s. As Basil experiments with his own voice, he finally settles on Jim’s—making Basil a perfect imposter.

Next: Catch up on Gotham with a Recap of 'Unleashed'

Best Moment: Harvey Bullock’s line to Alfred on what they should do to save Jim and their friends: “Now while we could send in an assault force of a pudgy middle-aged Irish detective and a recently stabbed Englishman, I think the acting Captain of the GCPD could do a little better.”

Final Thoughts: Although Hugo Strange has been getting a lot of screen time for Season Two, there hasn’t been a lot of dimension added to the character. Plus, he’s been set up to be responsible for Batman’s future rogues gallery—which are now monsters of the week.