Monsters Will Dictate Gotham season 3

The ending of the second season of Gotham opened just as many story lines as it ended. Most notable was Hugo Strange and his monsters. Not only did he bring back to life many main characters he altered many of their personalities and possibly abilities. When asked about Gotham season 3, executive producer John Stephens said “The nature of the city of Gotham will change”.

This should come as no surprise as Gotham seemed to change tune on an almost episode by episode basis. The speed at which they are progressing characters like Nygma or Barbara left the creative team with little choice but to find a new story line.  They have done that with Strange’s monsters opening up a season full of possibilities.

One possible direction they could choose to go is a season focused on Jim dealing with his own darkness while hunting these villains down.  After all there was a bus full of villains to deal with it is doubtful that they can deal with this new development in a matter of a few episodes. While we do not know for sure who will make their debut this season (besides the Mad Hatter)  we do know that Gotham is willing to take on any Batman villain and this opens up endless possibilities.

Next: Jerome Back For Season 3 Of Gotham

Personally I do not believe that the only thing to change in Gotham will be the new villains I think we will continue to see Jim struggle with doing whatever it takes to do the “right” thing. We will also continue to see Bruce Wayne transition from the whiny kid of season one into the leader and hero that Bruce Wayne becomes.   We have also recently been teased with the news of a new female villain who uses her looks and charm to her advantage. So with that in mind let the endless speculation begins since that describes most every female villain in comic books period.
