Predicting Which Villains Will Appear In The Flash Season 3

With Grant Gustin recently stating on Twitter that the first episode of Season 3 of The Flash will be titled “Flashpoint,” it only confirms every fan’s dream.

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However, due to the The CW being the way it is, expect a lot of the characters from the comics to not make an appearance on the show. These include Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, and most notably, Batman. Unfortunately, it isn’t likely that we’ll get to see Thomas Wayne’s Batman on the show anytime soon.

The good news is that because of how the “Flashpoint” storyline works, Reverse Flash will definitely be returning. Although it hasn’t been publicly announced yet, it might as well be. After all, he’s as vital to the story as Barry Allen himself. But what other villains might show up for the first time, or again?

1. Mirror Master

As lame as Mirror Master’s name may sound, his powers indicate the complete opposite. Able to create holograms, make himself invisible, as well as using mirrors as a way to travel to different places, you could say that his powers are definitely unique. Three different versions of the character have existed—them being Samuel Scudder, Evan McCulloch, and Digger Harkness. It’s anyone’s guess as to which one the producers could go with.

The fans certainly aren’t the only ones that want to see him in live-action. Recently at Megacon in Orlando, when Carlos Valdes, the actor who plays Cisco, was asked which villain he’d like to see pop up in the next season of The Flash, his response was:

"Ya know, I’ve been vying this since, like, season 1, I want to see Mirror Master. “Cause with Armen’s visual effects skills, some magic could be done with Mirror Master, like a multi-episode arc."

However, Valdes admitted to not knowing who any of the villains will be for the third season.

2. Black Flash

With Zoom being taken away by the Time Wraiths at the end of The Flash Season 2, I think we can all agree that sometime later on, he will become the Black Flash. As of now though, it’s doubtful that he will play that big of a role this quickly. But that doesn’t mean he won’t be showing up at all.

My prediction is that we’ll see maybe a few glimpses of him here and there, perhaps in one of Cisco’s visions. Or possibly a shot of him while Barry is busy running back in time, like they did in The Flash’s first season—with glimpses of the Flash museum, Killer Frost, and Barry sitting in prison.

It’s far too soon to have him be a major villain, especially when everyone is expecting Eobard Thawne to return as the big bad. He could be saved for the fourth or fifth season.

3. Gorilla Grodd

Gorilla Grodd is, without a doubt, one of the most interesting villains on The Flash. Since he was teleported to what is presumably Gorilla City, expect to get even more of him.

But I don’t see Gorilla Grodd, at least for now, being used in tons and tons of episodes this coming season, simply because it’s so expensive to do all the animation for the character, with all his fur and size and whatnot. If we’re lucky, he could be in about three episodes, but I think even that many may be pushing it. Furthermore, “Flashpoint” will likely be the main focal point, probably for about the first half of the season. And having Gorilla City also involved may just end up being too much.

So, similar to the Black Flash, for the most part, I think Gorilla City and Gorilla Grodd will be put on hold until The Flash Season 4 rolls around.