Batman: Bruce Wayne Thought He Was Going To Die


Batman realizes he can’t always save Gotham, says Tom King

Batman’s world has kind of been shook by the events of Batman #1. Not because two new super-powered heroes, Gotham and Gotham Girl showed up, after all he’s in a world of powered heroes. But Gotham City is his town, his turf, and he’s used to saving it. And if not for Gotham and Gotham Girl, he wouldn’t have. So how does that change his outlook? Writer Tom King explains:

"The point of the first issue, and the reason it will affect the rest of the year, is that Batman, in his head, thought he was going to die. None of us believed that, because Batman always has to have another issue and another run and another toy and another video game, but in Bruce Wayne’s head, he thought he was going to die. And when he gets saved, his sense of mortality, his sense that he can’t always save Gotham, is driven into him. And then, he is faced with these two people — these young people — who are trying to do good using powers that he can’t have. He’s smart enough to know that if he can trust these people, if he can harness those powers, maybe he can save Gotham in a way that he never could before. It’s all part of him hitting his vows and getting crime off the streets."

Next: Preview: Batman #2

King does note that these new heroes aren’t fully into Batman’s circle yet, he hasn’t shown them the Batcave or anything. I still feel like this has to at the very least lead to a point where Batman can save the day and these new heroes can’t if he doesn’t need to straight up defeat them because they actually have ulterior motives or something. Batman #2 will be available tomorrow.

h/t CBR