Lego Batman Movie: See Joker, Robin & Harley Quinn!

Get your first look at several characters from the upcoming Lego Batman Movie!

We know that The Joker and Robin are going to be in the Lego Batman Movie coming next year, but while we might have some idea what they would look like thanks to the various Lego figures out there of all these characters, we didn’t know exactly what they would look like in the Lego Batman Movie.

Well, that has changed as of today, as stills have been released of Robin (who looks way different than I think anyone would’ve imagined), Joker and most surprisingly, Joker’s longtime paramour/sidekick/physical and emotional punching bag, Harley Quinn (not they probably won’t cover that last part in the movie, it might be a little too dark even if it is just Legos). This is actually a huge reveal because it had not been revealed until now that Harley Quinn was in the Lego Batman Movie, and we have no idea who, if anybody is voicing her. She could just be in a scene or two for a throwaway gag, or be a significant part of the film. Take a look at The Lego Batman Movie’s Joker, Harley Quinn and Robin below:

Next: Lego Batman At SDCC

See what I mean about Robin? He’s voiced by Michael Cera, but it almost looks like he’s an amalgamation of several Robins, including female ones like Carrie Kelley. Also, this Robin literally looks full of wonder in that first photo, possibly taking the moniker “Boy Wonder” to a whole new level. The Lego Batman Movie will have a pretty big presence at this week’s San Diego Comic Con, so we may get more news on the movie like additional casting for roles such as Harley Quinn and even a brand-spanking new trailer. The Lego Batman Movie opens in theaters February 10th, 2017.
