Ranking The Modern Animated Batman TV Shows

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From the 1990s to the most recent adaptation, take a look at how Batman’s animated adventures rank throughout the years.

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Since the early 1970s, Batman has taken animated form on mainstream television nearly every year since the first Super Friends episode aired in 1973. Whether it was as part of the Justice League, as a guest appearance, or as the lead on his own show, an animated Batman has graced our airwaves for over four decades.

Some versions of Batman have been better than others, of course.

Much like the different comic series he’s appeared in, Batman takes on a slightly different form in every television show he’s been in. The style and writing seen in the 1970s Super Friends is wildly different than the tone and styling of the early 2000s The Batman. And every series has had its own successes or failures.

In order to keep this list from being outrageously long, I only included the series in which Batman was the lead character. Only the shows with Batman as the main protagonist made the cut. So shows like Justice League and the aforementioned Super Friends won’t be included in these rankings.

Next: The List Begins