Steve Orlando Talks Night Of The Monster Men Crossover

Batman faces literally his biggest challenge ever in the upcoming Night Of The Monster Men crossover

Big crossover events are a normal part of comics, and the post-Rebirth world of DC is about to have it’s first with Night Of The Monster Men. This is a Batman story, but will be a six-part crossover taking place in Batman, Nightwing and Detective Comics, starting with Batman #7 in September. What are Batman and his allies having to face in Night Of The Monster Men? Oh you know, just giant Godzilla-size monsters wreaking havoc through Gotham. Co-writer Steve Orlando talked about how the idea for Night Of The Monster Men came to be, the design of the Monster Men and more at last weekend’s San Diego Comic Con, check out the video below:

Next: Preview: Detective Comics #937

So here’s how the order will go for the Night of The Monster Men crossover in case you might get confused. It starts in Batman #7 & Nightwing #5, both on sale September 21st. Then the following week, September 28th, will have the third part of the crossover in Detective Comics #941. Parts 4-6 will follow in October with Batman #8, Nightwing #6 & Detective Comics #942. I’m sure every issue will have a ton of footnotes telling what issues to pick up if you get lost somewhere. Man, that seems like a lot of work, couldn’t they just call in Superman & maybe Wonder Woman & Green Lantern and get it done in like two issues?

Will Gotham’s newest super-hero (and super-powered) duo, Gotham and Gotham Girl be helping the extended Bat-family out to deal with these massive threats to not only Batman’s city but the world at large (doesn’t seem like it, I don’t see them in any of the artwork so far)? Find out when DC’s first post-Rebirth crossover event, Night of The Monsters, starts this September in the pages of Batman #7!