Killing Joke Makes Bank At Box Office


The Killing Joke was a massive box office hit

The animated adaptation of The Killing Joke was certainly bound to make money. It is based on one of the most seminal graphic novels of all time and features two longtime Batman fan favorites (Kevin Conroy as Batman and Mark Hamill as Joker). It seems like easy money. Would people pay to see it in the theater when they can get it digitally or on Blu-Ray and DVD not long after though? Seems the answer to that question is a resounding yes.

Despite being an R-rated film, only showing for a couple of limited showings, The Killing Joke managed to rake in nearly $4 million in two nights. Per theater, it actually averaged better than Star Treak Beyond, which was the #1 movie last weekend and of course had a lot more marketing muscle behind it.

Not suprisingly, this makes Killing Joke easily the biggest money maker Fathom Events has ever put on. It helps that the movie was released in a record number of theaters for Fathom Events, and also that the kind of fare Fathom Events usually puts on is very different. Their typical fare is things like old classic cult films and stuff from the stage such as plays, operas, musicals, etc.

Next: Two New Killing Joke Clips!

Well I hope the massive success of The Killing Joke leads Fathom Events to take chances on putting some more animated films that would normally be only straight to video in theaters. Granted, few might generate the kind of buzz Killing Joke does, but I could see something like Justice League Dark, marketed properly, could be something fans would want to see in theaters enough to warrant a one night showing and have that trend continue for the right animated features. Killing Joke is available digitally now and will be out on Blu-Ray and DVD this Tuesday August 5th.

h/t Variety