Rumor: Suicide Squad Had Huge Production Issues

Suicide Squad reportedly was a very troubled production the whole way through

Whelp, the word is out on Suicide Squad, and the word is not good. It’s currently sitting at an extremely disappointing 31% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is only a tad higher than Batman v Superman’s ratings. And much like Batman v Superman, not long after the movie was out and the critics had their say, reports of Suicide Squad being a mess behind the scenes popped up.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Suicide Squad was a rush job from the start, with a director who wasn’t necessarily right to make an edgy comic book film that was PG-13 in the first place. But the problem is more established directors don’t generally want to go near big tentpole superhero films because there is just way too much studio interference. That apparently is Suicide Squad’s production to a T. Warner Bros. supposedly had an alternate cut of the film being made while director David Ayer was just making what he wanted, and by the time the final cut was produced, it had gone through the hands of many different editors.

Finally, one industry veteran is cited as saying Suicide Squad is going to have to make $750-800 million to break even. But if it gets close to even that number, Warner Bros. will breathe a sigh of relief.

Next: Will Smith Talks Suicide Squad

I don’t know if Suicide Squad was ever even meant to be a movie that grossed nearly $800 million. I mean the most comparisons I see to Suicide Squad is Guardians of The Galaxy, which was a surprise hit. For better or worse, the hype train on Suicide Squad made it no surprise, even with a cast of lesser known DC characters. Suicide Squad will open big, but so did Batman v Superman. But if it quickly drops off a cliff like Batman v Superman, it might not get anywhere close to that mark it needs to hit. How much of an impact Suicide Squad has on the future of DC films is very questionable, as it was a film more or less done by the time Geoff Johns took the reigns for DC Films. Odds are they’ll keep things that work, such as the highly praised performances of several of the actors, and toss everything else for any future potential sequels or spin-offs. Suicide Squad opens in theaters Friday, August 5th.