Will Smith joined Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show to give us a few more details about Suicide Squad. Namely who was and who was not on set. The full video is below:
Will Smith confirmed that Ben Affleck was on set for at least a bit of the filming of Suicide Squad. Fans had been concerned it was a stunt double in the suit and not Affleck after a leaked cast list had the actor absent from it.
Smith also talks about how great it was to be able to be a part of such a large project this late in his career. The actor is well known for being in many blockbusters as well as movies that have majorly underperformed in the box office. Suicide Squad is set up to be either a large success or another major bust for DC. It is expected to hit theaters with a record breaking weekend. If it fails to do so this is not the end for DC however as its last hopes would be set on the release of Wonder Woman (Whose Trailer looks amazing) and Justice League.
Will Smith went on to talk about despite his experience how exciting it was to have the Batmobile and Ben Affleck on the set saying:
“I was cool – Suicide Squad is in the Batman world, in the DC Comics world, it was cool, I’ve made a lot of movies. It’s all good. I was like, ‘It’s just another movie.‘ And the Batmobile came around the corner and I was like ‘oohhhhh.’ Ben Affleck jumps out of the Batmobile. I was like, ‘Oh my god!’ I was 6 years old. I was like, ‘Ben can you sign this for me?’”
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The actors excitement and energy for the film is obvious. Lets hope that the fans and critics reactions are the same. Suicide Squad hits theaters this weekend.