Suicide Squad: Harley & Joker Featurettes Released


Check out these Suicide Squad featurettes on Harley & The Joker

Granted, comic book fans hardly need an introduction to DC’s most dysfunctional couple, Harley Quinn and the Joker, but as Suicide Squad is premiering in theaters all over the country this weekend, it certainly seems fitting to have a couple video featurettes on two of the movie’s most hyped and talked about characters.

The following is two featurettes, one focused on Harley Quinn, the other on Joker, with each actor talking about their roles in the film. Margot Robbie had this to say about her character in Suicide Squad:

"Harley’s incredibly dimensional and people really like how flawed she is. “She’s so strong and she’s so smart and she’s such a bad ass. You don’t know whether Harley’s gonna laugh or shoot you."

And here’s what Jared Leto had to say about the Joker in Suicide Squad:

"As soon as I heard the word ‘Joker’ I knew that I was going to have to dive really deep and go to a place I had never gone before. He’s an iconic legend."

Next: Suicide Squad: Theatrical Cut Is Ayer's Cut

While the reviews for Suicide Squad aren’t great, even in the bad reviews, Margot Robbie’s performance as Harley Quinn is nearly universally hailed as one of the big highlights of the film. Opinion seems a little more divided on Jared Leto’s Joker, the majority seem to either like his performance or just feel he’s not really in the film enough to give an impression either way. Hopefully the mostly positive reaction to these two in the movie means that we’ll be seeing plenty more of them in future films in the DC universe. At least one good Harley Quinn solo film please! Suicide Squad is in theaters nationwide now.

h/t 1, 2