Suicide Squad: Theatrical Cut Is Ayer’s Cut
The version of Suicide Squad in theaters is the version David Ayer intended fans to see
Suicide Squad is out in theaters now, and much like Batman v Superman, it’s gotten a pretty savage thrashing from critics. So, not surprisingly, we’ve been getting reports that there’s a lot of footage that didn’t make it into the theatrical release. Supposedly, Warner Bros. execs prepared their own cut of the film in case they weren’t happy with what David Ayer delivered. Not only that, but Jared Leto claims a lot of his scenes as the Joker were cut from the theatrical release. So obviously, that raises two big questions. What version of Suicide Squad are fans really seeing when they go into theaters? And much like Batman v Superman, will there be some sort of extended cut with some of that cut footage restored (and possibly “R”-rated) when the movie comes out on video? Well for better or worse, director David Ayer says what you see in the theater is what his vision for the film was:
"We have a chunk, there’s definitely over 10 minutes of material on there. But this cut of the movie is my cut, there’s no sort of parallel universe version of the movie, the released movie is my cut. And that’s one of the toughest things about writing, shooting, and directing a film, is you end up with these orphans and you f—ing love them and you think they’d be amazing scenes and do these amazing things but the film is a dictatorship (laughs), not a democracy, and just because something’s cool and charismatic doesn’t mean it gets to survive in the final cut. The flow of the movie is the highest master."
So, if this really is David Ayer’s vision for Suicide Squad, a “director’s cut” of sort seems unlikely. There might be some deleted scenes, sure, but no “Ultimate Cut” that fans might claim massively improves the film. Not that it worked for Batman v Superman anyways, that movie was just as much of a mess with 30 extra minutes added. Suicide Squad is out in theaters now.