DC Topples Marvel In July Comics Sales


DC tops July sales, market share and the top ten for July while Marvel seems to be floundering a bit

What a difference a Rebirth makes! While we have seen continued improved sales for DC ever since their relaunch/reboot/whatever you want to call it, Marvel still had a pretty significant share of the comic book market the last couple of months. But that all changed in the month of July.

DC soared to a 35.6% dollar share & 40.96% unit share compared to Marvel’s 34.20% dollar share & 35.69% unit share in July. When Marvel has been on top, it’s usually by a wider margin, so this could easily change. However what can’t be denied is that DC titles claimed 8 of the top ten spots for July. Marvel only had two, and both were Civil War #2 issues. So while people still seem interested in Marvel’s current big event, it’s not driving sales of other comics like it needs to.

What’s also great about the 8 spots owned by DC titles this past month is that there’s a lot of diversity in those spots. Like last month it was mostly Batman books. But in this month titles like Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps and New Superman also charted along with obvious favorites like Justice League and Batman.

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So obviously Rebirth is off to a fantastic start for DC, but part of this may also be fan reaction to Marvel’s recent events, as most podcasts I’ve listened to have not been fans of how the comics have been going lately. Of course, more important than ever is keeping this momentum going. And hey, maybe injecting some of this Rebirth attitude into the movies will give that division the shot in the arm it so badly needs. We’ll see how things go in the following months.

h/t Comicbook.com