IDW Releases Trailer For New Bloom County Book


The first Bloom County collection in 25 years is getting ready to be released and to drum up excitement, IDW has released a trailer.

When Bloom County ended its celebrated run in 1989, it broke my heart.

Being raised on Garfield and the like, Bloom County was like a breath of fresh air. As I grew older, I looked forward to election season. I knew it would mean countless laugh out loud Bloom County strips all year long.

While both spinoffs Outland and Opus were fun, I missed the daily dose of Berkeley Breathed’s singular humor. Bloom County was a unique place and I loved getting to visit almost every day of the week.

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Then last year, to the surprise of almost everyone, Bloom County was back.

Instead of a daily newspaper strip, Bloom County appeared each day on Facebook. Suddenly a group of friends I never thought I would see again had returned. Opus, Milo, Steve Dallas, they were all back and hadn’t missed a beat.

The only thing that could make this better? If someone collected all the new strips into a book. But what were the odds of that happening?

Consequently, thanks to IDW, it turns out pretty good.

On September 13, IDW will publish the first new Bloom County book collection in 25 years. Titled Bloom County Episode XI: A New Hope, the book collects all the strips that have appeared on Breathed’s Facebook page.

And to celebrate, IDW has released, what else, a trailer.

Watch the Bloom County Episode XI: A New Hope below:

The influence of Bloom County can still be felt far and wide. The list of comic creators who have sited the strip as an influence is a long one. It includes Scott Kurt (PVP) Aaron McGruder (The Boondocks) and Judd Winick (Green Lantern, Green Arrow).

While I enjoy reading Bloom County on my phone, a print collection is welcome news. Just knowing it will always be on my shelf, waiting for me along with the rest of the Bloom County collections is very comforting.

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Berkeley Breathed’s Bloom County Episode XI: A New Hope arrives everywhere on Septmeber 13, 2016.