DC Legends Will Be A Free-To-Play RPG for mobile platforms
Did you want your next DC game to be a free-to-play mobile rpg? Well that’s what you’re getting anyways! DC Legends was just announced for Android and iOS platforms. You make your own team of superheroes (or supervillains, or a mix of the two) to take on Necron. Here’s a synopsis and trailer for DC Legends:
"As the shadow of the Blackest Night prophecy falls on every world, sheer will alone cannot save the shattered DC Universe. It’s up to you to lead a team of DC’s greatest champions to victory, but know this: peace can only be restored with a strategic mind. Experience the ultimate role-playing game packed with all of your favorite DC Super Heroes and Super-Villains. Join Superman, Batman, The Joker and more in a battle against Nekron. How will your choices affect the fate of the DC Universe?"
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Ok, I certainly do not want to dismiss something out of hand simply because it’s a mobile game. There are some fantastic mobile games out there. Heck, I’m playing a ton of Teeny Titans right now, and that’s a $4 mobile game and I love it. But there’s the difference. You pay a fix priced and you get the game with all the bells and whistles. Free-to-play games often live and die by how their monetization is structured. It’s possible to achieve a decent balance. And I certainly see nothing wrong with throwing a few bucks at a game you enjoy. That’s merely supporting the developer. But far too often, these game definitely fall into the trap of being far too much of a money grab. I can easily stuff like paying for power-leveling, but also healing, and of course unlocking powerful characters.
I hope DC Legends can maintain a good balance and be one of the better f2p games out there. It comes out November 3rd for iOS & Android. You can get more info at the official site.