Susan Eisenberg, who voiced Wonder Woman on the Justice League animated series talks about the character’s relationship with Batman
It’s Wonder Woman’s 75th anniversary today! She’s had a lot of iconic incarnations over the last seven and a half decades, but undoubtedly one of the most popular and well-received was her excellent animated portrayal on the seminal series Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. One of many ongoing subplots throughout both series was the seemingly blossoming but never quite blooming into a full-blown romance between Wonder Woman and a certain Caped Crusader.
The Hollywood Reporter interviewed Susan Eisenberg, who voiced Wonder Woman during both og those animated shows, and she discussed the almost romance:
"It wasn’t a full-blown storyline, but it was hints of a romance between Batman and Wonder Woman. I love it. I saw [director] Dan Riba at a Comic Con in Long Beach. I have a picture when I do signings, and one of the pictures I sign is Wonder Woman kissing Batman, and he has this amazing expression on his face, like Scooby. It’s just so adorable. Dan was telling me about how that relationship evolved, and even that moment. He had an argument with [producer] Bruce [Timm] about leaving that kiss in. Bruce was like, “No, we don’t need a kiss.” And Dan was like, “Yes! We do need the kiss.” And it was great. I have this great photograph of me and Dan holding up the picture. So I will forever have that little story in my mind. Being able to play that, it gave me a different dimension of her other than this princess and this warrior. It gave me this romantic, flirty thing to play, which was a third piece of her."
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Esienberg noted that she doesn’t really see that romance angle happening for the current big screen incarnations of Batman & Wonder Woman, played by Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot. She’d also like to see a video game starring the amazon princess sometime in the future. You can currently still hear Eisenberg voicing this iconic role for the MMO DC Universe Online on PS3, PS4, PC & Xbox One.