Based on Batman v Superman, Batman of the DCEU might know nearly a dozen different fighting styles
Batman is not only the world’s greatest detective and a genius, but a master of offense. He knows a lot of different way to take down just about anybody he comes across, and I’m not talking about using Batarangs or other various gadgets. Batman is a master of hand to hand combat. But does he just know one style really well, or fight with a wide mix of disciplines? At least for Ben Affleck’s Batman from Batman v Superman, we might have a good idea.
In Batman v Superman, the Dark Knight doesn’t get a lot of chances to show of his superior fighting prowess (mostly he gets a chance to show off his superior brooding skills), but there is one scene in particular that actually reveals quite a bit about how he fights and what he knows and uses in combat.
That is the warehouse scene where Batman comes to rescue Martha Kent now that he and Superman are all buddy buddy even though Batman nearly killed him. Hey, we all make mistakes, right? Anyways YouTube user Godzillarex provides a very in-depth analysis of that particular scene and gives compelling evidence of Batman showing knowledge of at least 10 different disciplines ranging from Kung Fu to Boxing to Ninjutsu and more. Check it out below:
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Of course, this is just what Batman is using in one very short but awesome fight scene in one movie. He may actually know many more disciplines and show evidence of that either in Justice League or his upcoming solo project. It’s actually been stated in the comics he knows well over 100 fighting disciplines. Superman didn’t call Batman the most dangerous man on Earth for nothing…