Marvel pokes fun at a very specific scene from Batman v Superman in X-Men Annual #1
Marvel is certainly having a grand old time making fun of DC’s failure to have a critically acclaimed theatrical hit. In an issue of Spider-Man/Deadpool they made fun of the movie, with a spoof title called “Nighthawk vs. Hyperion: Yawn of Boredom” with the tagline “you won’t believe their mothers share a first name!” and the characters commented on the film making little if any sense. In that comic, they did poke fun at themselves as well.
In X-Men Annual #1, which came out this past week, more subtle fun was poked at Batman v Superman, but it’s really, really obvious if you’ve seen the movie. It’s also sort of tangentially connected to Deadpool, as the story in the comic involved Domino, who will be a character in Deadpool 2.
In the story, Domino is infiltrating a heavily guarded military compound. She comes upon guards having a conversation. One guard is telling the other that he shot a man in the leg and was about to kill him, when the man started shouting a name that sounded very familiar to the guard…
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So yeah, if you’ve seen Batman v Superman, you know this is directly referencing the scene where Batman is about to run a kryptonite spear through Superman, and for some reason, he yells out “Martha!” and that makes Batman stop everything he’s doing and realize that hey, maybe he shouldn’t kill this dude because his mom was also named Martha!
Yes, it is really dumb. But this also seems like kicking someone when they are already down. We know Batman v Superman was bad already, we don’t need Marvel saying it every few months, so hopefully they just drop it. It’s not like Age Of Ultron was a masterpiece…