Is the Joker the real hero of The Dark Knight?
It’s been 8 years since Christopher Nolan’s seminal Batman movie, The Dark Knight was released in theaters. And despite tons of superhero movies being released in that time, many of them high-quality, I think it’s fair to say no superhero movie so far has topped it.
A lot of that obviously has to do with the late Heath Ledger’s performance as the Joker. An original take, but keeping that same maniacal spirit, The Joker was why you watched the Dark Knight. He was a fantastic villain. But wait, was he the villain?
I mean of course he’s the villain. Batman’s a hero, Joker’s a psychotic lunatic, right? Not so fast there Batfan. Bruce Wayne/Batman has a vast fortune, why isn’t he using his vast resources to better fund the police or set up social programs? All Batman really does is punch thugs and hardly do anything to actually make progress in ending crime. According to this video, the real hero of the Dark Knight is at least arguably the Joker because he manages to do things in one movie Batman can’t even really do in three such as completely destroying the mob. Check out the video for the compelling argument below:
Next: Batman Takes On All VIllains In The Villain Pub
Whether or not Batman is an effective hero and could be of much better use by putting his vast wealth into making Gotham better through government and social programs is actually a fairly old argument. But does that make the Joker of Dark Knight a real hero? You know, aside from all the murder…
h/t Uproxx