Writer Talks Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

Joshua Williamson talks about Rebirth’s first huge crossover event, Justice League vs. Suicide Squad

This December, the first mega post-Rebirth crossover event begins in Justice League vs. Suicide Squad. The New 52 era was actually pretty lacking in events of this scope. The two iconic DC teams will be squaring off against each other in a six-issue weekly miniseries.

The basis for the conflict is that Batman believes the Suicide Squad needs to be shut down, but there’s also a third party involved, one that will force the two teams to try and work together. Bit can these two very different teams that are already at odds work together? And what will be the fallout of the event?

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad writer Joshua Williamson talks about how this feels like a big summer blockbuster, and keeping the tone fun. Which is something that probably wouldn’t have been the case in the more grim and gritty era of the New 52:

"For me, I really wanted to make something that felt like a big-budget summer blockbuster movie. I knew I wanted to make it feel like these movies that I love, big-budget set pieces with a lot of characters. I stuck with that tone as I was writing it, and as I was talking to the editors, and I was thinking about what Jason (Fabok, artist on the first issue, each issue will have a different artist) was going to be doing. I started building towards that — I want to tell a big-budget disaster movie in the DC Universe.Once we started talking about the tone, we knew we wanted to something fun. Once that started circling around in my head, it became a lot of fun to write. There are a lot of characters, a lot of things happen, and it’s really big and really does encompass a lot of the DC Universe, and I think there will be some surprises in there. It was a lot of work to do, but it still ended up being a lot of fun."

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I’m glad this is a weekly miniseries because that means it won’t be too long until the event is collected in a trade and I can just read the whole thing because I’m super interested in this. We don’t know much about the fallout of Justice League vs. Suicide Squad just yet, but I believe the events lead to both Killer Frost and Batman joining the JSA (though Batman will stay on the Justice League as well, pulling double duty) when that comic starts in February. The first issue of Justice League vs. Suicide Squad will be available December 21st.

h/t CBR