Justice League vs. Suicide Squad: Who Is The Villain?


Who is the real villain of DC’s first post-Rebirth mega crossover event, Justice League vs. Suicide Squad?

It Justice League vs. Suicide Squad this December, as the two very different teams have to face off. But as we know in 99% of these “vs.” comics, the two teams will be forced to work together to  face a common foe. Who is that foe? Read on if you want to find out, but obviously spoilers for Justice League vs. Suicide Squad follow, so read on at your own risk!

The writers of Justice League vs. Suicide Squad have pretty much said that there is a third group involved in the huge crossover event, one that may both force the members of the team to begrudgingly work together, but may also set them against each other. Now we know who that villain is, and how he might be able to manipulate things  behind the scenes.

The real villain of Justice League vs. Suicide Squad is none other than Maxwell Lord. Lord started off as basically a c-level Lex Luthor. You might have seen him recently in the live action Supergirl TV show. Lord started off with no powers, but he later was given a power that would be best described as the power of suggestion. Not direct mind control, but being able to influence someone’s thoughts and feelings so they’ll act a certain way. This could make it quite easy for Lord to manipulate the members of both teams so while they are trying to get along to defeat him, they end up fighting each other anyways. Lord leads a team of villains that includes Emerald Empress, Lobo, Doctor Polaris, Johnny Sorrow, and Rustam. Amanda Waller is actually the one trying to make the teams work together in order to take Lord and his team down.

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We don’t know the exact fallout of this event, but we do know it leads to the formation of the Justice Society of America in February. A team led by Batman that also includes current Suicide Squad member Killer Frost, Lobo, Vixen, The Atom, The Ray, and Black Canary.  It all begins in Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #1 which will be out December 21st.

h/t Newsarama