Scott Snyder Talks Redefining Two-Face

Scott Snyder wanted a fun, but also dark Two-Face for his first arc in All-Star Batman

Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent have been one hell of a road trip. It’s all in an effort to cure one of Bruce’s oldest and dearest friends of his split personality that makes him the villainous Two-Face. But Two-Face apparently knows everybody’s deepest, darkest secrets and has used that knowledge to turn seemingly the entire world (even Alfred!) against Batman. The story wraps up this week with All-Star Batman #5, and writer Scott Snyder talks about his interpretation of Two-Face for this arc:

"I think honestly it’s just the balance of making sure he’s fun and also dark. For me, he’s a really, really dark figure. He’s scary. He says this is the ugly side of your face that you don’t want to look at, and you’re a collection of your worst impulses. You’re not the hero that you want to be, and that is a sentiment that I think has really made for some scary times in my life when I’ve felt that way. The balance is, in Gotham, I think he would have been terrifying, but to take him out of Gotham also as a kind of levity. I think he’s like a fish out of water. It was a kind of constant balance of making sure that he didn’t seem like he was being dragged along like Weekend At Bernie’s, and at the same time, he could kind of be scary and strike like a snake when it came time for him to attack."

Next: Preview: Teen Titans #3

Scott Snyder also said that taking the story out of Gotham for All-Star Batman gave him a new lease on Two-Face, the book itself and the overall mythology. You an read the whole interview over at Gamespot, and All-Star Batman #5 is out this Wednesday, December 28th.