So Many Powerless Clips…

A ton of clips and interviews from NBC’s Powerless

Powerless, the first television comedy based in the world of DC Comics, debuts on NBC in just under two weeks in early February. The show has gone through a lot of re-tooling, completely changing the premise from an insurance company to a technology one. And of course with that many of the characters have changed from their original purpose as well. Will that actually make it funny though? Well we might have more than enough clips here for you to get some idea.

The first set of clips is the cast of Powerless, Vanessa Hudgens, Alan Tudyk, Danni Pudi, etc., talking about the show and their characters:

Maybe it’s due to the editing (or more appropriately, severe lack thereof), but these interviews are super dry and are not getting me excited for the show. Maybe some actual clips from the show itself will help? We have an “ad” from Wayne Security (the company featured in the show) for “Joker Gas Anti-Venom “, which counteracts the Joker’s laughing gas as well as several clips from the show itself. Check them out below:

Next: Why Powerless Changed It's Premise

So from these clips, I think you can get the basic idea of Powerless. At one point in it’s history, Wayne Security was developing innovative technologies such as the Joke Gas Anti-Venom. But for some reason that changed and they are doing anything but innovating. Maybe something failed big time and they are playing it safe. Maybe somebody is only interested in the bottom line and not really risking anything with the company. And Vanessa Hudgens’ character is still full of hope of making the world a safer place for ordinary humans so she wants the company be better. And odds are that clashes with clueless boss Van Wayne. It seems like a setup with some promise at least. Powerless premieres on NBC Thursday, February 2nd.