More Details: Flash/Supergirl Musical Crossover

Learn more about the Flash/Supergirl musical crossover

CW loves their comic book crossovers, as we know. The 4 (really 3 because it barely involved Supergirl) part Invasion storyline was just one we are seeing this season. The Flash/Supergirl crossover is coming our way in just a couple of months, and we have a lot of new details for the episode thanks to Entertainment Weekly.

You’ll notice I said “episode” instead of episodes. That’s because much like the Invasion storyline, the Flash/Supergirl musical episode won’t be a true two-parter. It will be teased at the end of Supergirl’s March 20th episode, and then really take place on the Flash March 21st episode the following night. A bit disappointing, but it’s probably incredibly challenging to write enough musical numbers for just one hour of TV, so two might prove too monumental a task for the first attempt at this.

Also in mildly disappointing news the director for the episode is Demott Downs. Nothing against Downs in particular, he has worked on many CW shows and directed some great Arrowverse episodes (i.e. “Grodd Lives” on the Flash & “Legendary” on Legends Of Tomorrow). But a lot of people were definitely hoping to get Joss Whedon on board for the Flash/Supergirl crossover and if not him someone who has a lot of experience with musical theater or musical TV episodes might have been a really strong choice.

In the musical episode, expect to see numbers performed by Grant Gustin, Melissa Benoist, Jesse L. Martin, Victor Garber, Carlos Valdes, Jeremy Jordan, and John Barrowman. All have pretty accomplished musical backgrounds, so that’s not surprising. Given that Garber & Barrowman are currently involved in Legends of Tomorrow, it should be interesting to see how they get involved in the storyline, but both have amazing voices, so it would’ve been a shame if they were left out.

Finally, we know the villain for the Flash/Supergirl crossover is the Music Meister (who is at least technically a Batman villain since he was first introduced on the Batman: The Brave & The Bold Animated series so that gives me an excuse to write about this). But he has not been cast just yet. Everyone is hoping that Neil Patrick Harris, who voiced the Music Meister in the animated series gets cast, but there’s just been no word on who even might be in the running yet.

Next: So Many Powerless Clips...

I’m sure this will be one hell of an episode, so I can’t wait until March. But in the meantime, you can get your fill of both Flash & Supergirl as they return on The CW next week!