Spider-Man Comics Solicitations For June 2017

After Goblins, it’s Symbiotes, Hydra, and a Cosplaying Mary Jane who dominate the lives of Spider-Man and friends in the month of June.

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Looks like Spider-Man will have another busy summer based on the Marvel comic book solicitations for June 2017 (via Newsarama and CBR). Just as “The Osborn Identity” concludes, the webhead winds up being embroiled with Marvel’s upcoming Secret Empire crossover. On top of that, he’ll be getting a new ongoing comic book series. Meanwhile, another event, Venomverse, kicks off with an “Edge of Venomverse” miniseries, and “Ben Reilly” goes back to his old duds. And if all that wasn’t enough, it’s also “Mary Jane Watson Month,” in which nearly every Marvel comic gets a variant cover featuring the vivacious redhead playing dress-up as various superheroes.

We’ve got quite a few comics to cover, so let’s get started and see which ones look like they’ll be worth your time, or worth avoiding at all costs.

On-Sale June 7, 2017

"Credit: Alex Ross (Marvel Comics); cover for Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #28AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #28DAN SLOTT (w) • STUART IMMONEN (a)Cover by ALEX ROSSOSBORN VS. SPIDER-MAN! NO HOLDS BARRED!• The outcome of this battle will change both of these men.• And that’s nothing to say of Osborn’s master plan that Spider-Man is powerless to save! ONLY SILVER SABLE AND MOCKINGBIRD STAND A CHANCE!32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99"

Commentary: Over the last few years, there’s been far too many instances in Amazing Spider-Man where Peter Parker cannot save the day–much less himself–without somebody else coming to his rescue, be they other superheroes or even members of his own supporting cast. But this might be the first time where a comic book solicit outright says Spider-Man won’t save the day, but that his allies will. Kind of makes the conclusion for “The Osborn Legacy” less inspiring when the supposed hero of the comic fails at being a hero. Although, whoever wrote this solicit made it sound like “Osborn’s master plan” was the thing that needed saving. Oops.

"Credit: Michael Allred (Marvel Comics); Mary Jane Variant Cover for Avengers Vol. 7 #8 Credit: Alex Ross (Marvel Comics); cover for Avengers Vol. 7 #8AVENGERS #8MARK WAID & JEREMY WHITLEY (W) • PHIL NOTO (A)Cover by ALEX ROSSMary Jane Variant Cover by MICHAEL ALLRED• Once and for all, the Avengers have to decide whether the Infamous Iron Man is friend or foe! It’s hard to trust an “ally” you’ve been fighting against for years — but the Avengers will have to!32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99"

Commentary: I’ll be very surprised (and disappointed) if Doctor Doom doesn’t stay on as a member of the Avengers. Because the dynamic he’d bring to this team would offer a plethora of dramatic possibilities. That he’s also tangled with Spider-Man more than once, and that both are scientifically gifted but with very different personalities, the interaction between them as teammates would be delicious. As for the Mary Jane Variant, I guess since the other Avengers have their own series with their own Mary Jane Variants, and Vision no longer has his own series any more, Marvel may have gone with this “MJ-Vision” for that reason. Whatever the reason, it’s still pretty weird.

"Credit: Helen Chen (Marvel Comics); Mary Jane Variant Cover for Champions Vol. 2 #9 Credit: Humberto Ramos (Marvel Comics); cover for Champions Vol. 2 #9CHAMPIONS #9MARK WAID (W) • HUMBERTO RAMOS (A/C)Mary Jane Variant Cover by HELEN CHEN• Casting a spotlight on young synthezoid Viv Vision! After what became of her family, she willingly shut down her emotions — but does that come with a price to pay?32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99"

Commentary: If someone hasn’t read Tom King’s The Vision—and all of you should because it’s one of the best superhero comic book series Marvel has ever published—then I imagine this particular issue focusing on Vision’s daughter will be difficult to appreciate. Still, at least Mark Waid is taking the time to follow-up on that series, seeing as it sadly ended after only just twelve issues. Interesting too how Marvel has opted for a “Nova MJ” variant for Champions #9 seeing as how Nova still has its ongoing series and there’s no “Mary Jane Variant” for that one.

"Credit: Disney/Marvel Animation; cover for Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man Vs. The Sinister Six #10MARVEL UNIVERSE ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN VS. THE SINISTER SIX #10Adapted by Joe CaramagnaTHE REVEAL OF THE NEW SINISTER SIX!• After a shocking betrayal by one of SPIDER-MAN’s closes allies, DOC OCK now knows that the key to retrieving Hydra Island is hidden somewhere in AUNT MAY’s house.• Will Spider-Man be able to protect his family or will he be pulled in another direction when the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy is attacked?• Man, can’t PETER ever catch a break?32 PGS./All Ages …$2.99"

Commentary: Well, Joe Caramagna certainly speed thing up here because he’s skipped a bunch of episodes and headed right into one of the final season’s major story arcs. Which may something to do with the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon having ended and Marvel’s Spider-Man being just around the corner. I won’t spoil who the traitor is for those who couldn’t stomach watching the series, but it was a surprisingly good one.

"Credit: Paulo Siqueira (Marvel Comics); cover for Secret Empire: Brave New World #1SECRET EMPIRE: BRAVE NEW WORLD #1 (of 5)Paul Allor, Jeremy Whitley, Nick Kocher (W)BRIAN LEVEL, DIEGO OLORTEGUI, WILL ROBSON (A)COVER BY PAULO SIQUEIRAVariant cover by CHRIS SAMNEETEASER VARIANT COVER by JOHN CASSADAYSteve Rogers, Captain America, Liberty’s most dedicated defender is actually the Supreme Leader of Hydra. Faced with this adversity, the world’s heroes have two choices: stand and fight or fall in line. See how Earth’s protectors come to grips this earth-shattering revelation in an action packed first issue featuring Gwenpool, Giant-Man and Steve’s oldest allies, THE INVADERS!32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99"

Commentary: So we see the first of (way too) many tie-in for Secret Empire. This one looks like it’s an anthology-based miniseries, possibly focusing on the lesser known heroes in spite of the front cover. Unless, of course, Namor, Human Torch, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Ironheart, and the Miles Morales Spider-Man end up being the new incarnation of The Invaders for this event.

"Credit: Rafael Albuquerque (Marvel Comics); variant cover for Secret Empire: Underground #1 Credit: R.B. Silva (Marvel Comics); cover for Secret Empire: Underground #1SECRET EMPIRE: UNDERGROUND #1JEREMY WHITLEY (W) • ERIC KODA (A)Cover by RB SILVAVARIANT COVER by RAFAEL ALBUQUERQUE• From a hidden base in the Rocky Mountains a coalition of heroes have staged a resistance against Hydra and their former friend, Steve Rogers.• Up until now, their successes have been few—but they may have discovered a way to end the long national nightmare.• The only catch? They’ve got to brave the dangers of the Savage Land!40 PGS./ONE-SHOT/Rated T+ …$4.99"

Commentary: Okay, so if this is a one-shot featuring a rag-tag team of heroes (in this case Sam Wilson, Mockingbird, Ant-Man, Hercules, and Quicksilver) on a mission for something which could give them the advantage against Steve Rogers, I’m guessing there will be some brief scenes of this mission in Secret Empire #3 and #4, which narration captions telling us to “Find out what happens in Secret Empire: Underground #1!” Then, with Secret Empire #5, will see these same heroes again and see how the aftermath of their mission ties into the rest of the plot. Basically, it’s just an excuse to get another comic out of this event.

"Credit: Patrick Brown (Marvel Comics); cover for Spider-Man Vol. 2 #17SPIDER-MAN #17BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS (w) • OSCAR BAZALDUA (a)Cover by PATRICK BROWN• Spider-Man and his amazing friends!32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99"

Commentary: This isn’t the first time Brian Michael Bendis has toyed with the “Spider-Friends” concept, as he did his own version of the classic line-up in Ultimate Spider-Man. Likewise, it could be argued Miles Morales, along with Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel and Sam Alexander/Nova, are already the modern-day version of the Spider-Friends. But having this version of “Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends” line-up that consists of Miles, Bombshell, and Goldballs–characters created by Bendis who are a part of Miles’ supporting cast–makes all the sense in the world. Also, if this cover is any indication, Ganke, as Miles’ best friend, will feel left out as he’s not a super hero. Which could make for some decent high school drama.

"Credit: Ed McGuinness (Marvel Comics); cover for Spider-Man/Deadpool #18SPIDER-MAN/DEADPOOL #18JOE KELLY (w) • ED MCGUINNESS (a/C)• The culmination of Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness’s run is here!• Is it the end of Spider-Man and Deadpool’s friendship?!32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99"

Commentary: I will be very, very sad if, as implied by this solicit, this is the last issue of Spider-Man/Deadpool . But if it is, then kudos to Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness for an excellent run. If this comic was also always planned with a beginning, middle, and end in mind, then further props to them for having the commitment of sticking to their planned ending regardless of the comic’s performance in the sales chart. Sure, it’s possible Spider-Man/Deadpool could still continue under a different creative team, or, like what happens with every Marvel comic these days, get relaunched with a new #1 issue. Even so, Spider-Man/Deadpool wouldn’t have been the fun comic that it is without the two creators who conceived it.

On-Sale June 14, 2017

"Credit: Ryan Stegman (Marvel Comics); cover for Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #8AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: RENEW YOUR VOWS #8GERRY CONWAY (w) • RYAN STEGMAN (a/C)Variant Cover by CLAYTON CRAIN• Mary Jane Watson-Parker has been saving the day as Spinneret, but at the cost of some of her husband’s powers. So she’s going to try something new…• That’s right, MARY JANE VENOM. It’s on!32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99"

Commentary: But shouldn’t she be called “VenoMJ”? But seriously, this is a great idea, even if Disney XD’s Ultimate Spider-Man did the “Mary Jane infected with a symbiote” story first. And I also like she’s motivated by her love for Peter in bonding with the symbiote, thinking it a better alternative than leaching off his powers. Which, of course, will go horribly wrong for her and her family. It does make me wonder, however, if Eddie Brock was still killed by Peter Parker in this universe like he was in the original Renew Your Vows miniseries. And if so, where was the Venom symbiote all this time?

"Credit: Mark Bagley (Marvel Comics); cover for Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #4 Credit: Mark Bagley (Marvel Comics); cover for Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #3BEN REILLY: SCARLET SPIDER #3 & 4PETER DAVID (w) • MARK BAGLEY (a/C)• BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT — Ben’s back in his classic threads!• We hope it’ll make a difference, because the Scarlet Spider’s at odds with a deeply connected crime lord and her impervious consigliere.• And will Kaine finally catch up to his clone-brother?!32 PGS. (EACH)/Rated T+ …$3.99 (EACH)"

Commentary: Yes, and the reason we demanded “Ben Reilly” be “back in his classic threads” is because his new Scarlet Spider costume sucked. And of course, we already knew “Ben Reilly” was getting his old duds back, thanks to Marvel spoiling it via a press release (which they swore  wasn’t damage control over the bad reception to the costume, oh no no no!) even before the first issue of the new series is even out in stores. Also, since the solicit mentions Ben27 being “at odds” with the new villain Peter David is introducing, and Ben27’s very much a bad guy now, I’m guessing he’ll decide to take over which ever mafia this is for himself. And is it just me, or does this feel too early for a “Ben Reilly” vs Kaine rematch? (AUTHOR’S NOTE: The on-sale listing for Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #4 is June 28, 2017.)

"Credit: David Nakayama (Marvel Comics); Mary Jane Variant Cover for Gwenpool, The Unbelievable #17 Credit: Gurihiru (Marvel Comics); Gwenpool, The Unbelievable #17GWENPOOL, THE UNBELIEVABLE #17CHRIS HASTINGS (W) • GURIHIRU (A/C)Mary Jane Variant Cover by DAVID NAKAYAMA“BEYOND THE FOURTH WALL” continues!• Gwen is back in her “home universe,” but she is far from happy.• Will she be able to get back to the Marvel Universe?• And at what cost?32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99"

Commentary: So it looks as though there’s at one more issue of Gwenpool of her “going back to the real world” being squeezed out. Nevertheless, the wording of this solicit still creates a sense of finality about it. Even if the result winds up being Gwen Poole returning to the Marvel Universe, it still suggests a closing of a particular chapter in the life of this character. Also, what exactly are we to call the Mary Jane version of Gwenpool shown in the variant? “MaryJanePool” “Mjpool?” “MJP?”

"Credit: Jeff Dekal (Marvel Comics); cover for Kingpin Vol. 2 #5KINGPIN #5MATTHEW ROSENBERG (W)BEN TORRES (A)Cover by JEFF DEKALTHE LIFE AND CRIMES OF WILSON FISK!• SARAH DEWEY realizes there’s no turning back from the KINGPIN now…• …but how much MORE is it going to cost her?• WILSON FISK reestablishes his reputation with his biography…but what is his end game?32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99"

Commentary: And of course, that’s the heart of this comic’s central mystery: just what is Wilson’s Fisk’s plan? Because there’s definitely a lot more going on than just him trying to salvage his reputation or make amends for his criminal past, that’s for sure. But that’s what makes Matthew Rosenberg’s Kingpin fascinating, that it aside from taking place in the Marvel Universe, it’s a slow-burn mystery thriller that would just as well without any reference to superheroes. But given the sales estimates, it’s likely this could end up being short-lived. Especially as this solicit reads like it’s getting close to a climatic point in the story of Sarah Dewey.

"Credit: Dan Mora (Marvel Comics); Villain Variant cover for Secret Empire #4 Credit: Andrea Sorrentino (Marvel Comics); Hydra Hero Variant cover for Secret Empire #4 Credit: Mark Brooks (Marvel Comics); cover for Secret Empire #4SECRET EMPIRE #4 (of 9)NICK SPENCER (W) • LEINIL FRANCIS YU (A)Cover by MARK BROOKSVariant Cover by J. SCOTT CAMPBELLHydra Hero Variant Cover by ANDREA SORRENTINOVILLAIN VARIANT COVER BY DAN MORAVARIANT COVER BY LEINIL YUAction Figure Variant Cover by JOHN TYLER CHRISTOPHERThere is a power that can either save the world or doom it! Both Steve Rogers and the heroes arrayed against him need this power! But unfortunately for all of them, the key to possessing this power lies in the hands of the unstoppable Ultron! LIVE IN X-CITING TIMES! SECRET EMPIRE!40 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99"

Commentary: Now for those of you who haven’t been keeping tracking of the current goings on in the Marvel Universe, Ultron and his creator and the original Ant-Man, Hank Pym, merged in the graphic novel, Avengers: Rage of Ultron, becoming a “Superior Ultron,” you might say. So of course, that makes this personal for both Steve Rogers and the Avengers. Also, looks like Tony Stark has returned (of course) and is back in his classic red and gold armor. Or it could that Tony is in a coma and piloting the suit mentally, something he’s done quite often.

"Credit: Rafael Albuquerque (Marvel Comics); Variant cover for Secret Empire: United #1 Credit: Ryan Stegman (Marvel Comics); cover for Secret Empire: United #1SECRET EMPIRE: UNITED #1JIM ZUB (W) • Ario Anindito (A)Cover by RYAN STEGMANVARIANT COVER BY rafael albuquerque• Steve Rogers has finally brought peace to the planet, securing the borders of the land that he loves against any and all threats.• And his peace will be maintained—by any means necessary.• So when skirmishes break out on the outskirts of mutant-controlled territory, Hydra’s supreme leader takes matters into his own hands…40 PGS./ONE-SHOT/Rated T+ …$4.99"

Commentary: In other words, this one shot might as well be called HvX, or Hydra Vs. X-Men. Or at least Emma Frost’s X-Men that she’s gathered together for herself post-Inhumans Vs. X-Men. Because Marvel’s Merry Mutants must be involved in this crossover somehow, I guess. Still, five dollars for this and Secret Empire: Underground seems ridiculous for a one-shot when you consider single issues of the Secret Empire miniseries have the same page count but costs a dollar less.

"Credit: Francesco Mattina (Marvel Comics); Mary Jane Variant Cover for Venom #151 Credit: Francisco Mattina (Marvel Comics); cover for Venom #151VENOM #151MIKE COSTA (w) • GERARDO SANDOVAL (a)COVER BY Francisco HerreraMary Jane Variant Cover by Francesco Mattina“THE LAND BEFORE CRIME” Starts Here!• Eddie Brock and the Venom symbiote have been reunited at last – and their hatred of Spider-Man is greater than ever!• While hunting the friendly neighborhood wall-crawler, Venom comes face-to-face with none other than STEGRON THE DINOSAUR MAN!• Can Venom postpone feasting on Spider-Man’s brain long enough to stop Stegron from turning everyone in New York into a bloodthirsty dinosaur?!32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99"

Commentary: So it’s a disgraced ex-journalist bonded with a sentient, shape-shifting alien goo, versus a half man, half-stegosaurus mad scientist who wants to take over the world by turning people into dinosaurs. How can anybody not love this? This is what comic books are made for! Also, nice to have confirmed Eddie Brock’s return as Venom, and going back to the “original numbering,” won’t just be a one-time thing. Although based on comments have already seen in various message board forums, there’s already grumbling about him hating Spider-Man again. Personally, I’m more concerned over whether Brock will re-learn Spidey’s identity as Peter Parker. After all, that’s what made Venom such a frightening adversary and loose cannon to begin with. Also, that Mary Jane variant cover looks awesome.

On-Sale June 21, 2017

"Credit: Sam Spratt (Marvel Comics); Hip-Hop Variant Cover for Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #1 Credit: Adam Kubert (Marvel Comics); cover for Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #1PETER PARKER, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #1CHIP ZDARSKY (W) • ADAM KUBERT (A/C)Variant Cover by TBARemastered Variant Cover by TBAYEAR OF THE ROOSTER VARIANT COVER BY ZHANG WANGHip-Hop Variant Cover by SAM SPRATTAction Figure Variant Cover by JOHN TYLER CHRISTOPHERBlank and Movie Variant Covers also availableSPIDER-MAN RETURNS TO THE FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD!The webslinging, wallcrawling wonder returns to New York City in the all-new PETER PARKER: THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN. A companion series to the best-selling Amazing Spider-Man series, Peter Parker is going back-to-basics for big heroics in the Big Apple. Featuring adversaries old and new, be there as Spider-Man returns to his friendly neighborhood for his never ending battle against crime and the dreaed “Parker Luck”.40 PGS./Rated T …$4.99"

Commentary: We’ve already talked about the upcoming new Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man series back when it was first announced, so I won’t elaborate too much about what was already said. However, in light of the upcoming solicits from Amazing Spider-Man, and what it’s apparently leading up towards, one must wonder what the justification is for this new series now. If Amazing puts its focus on Spider-Man’s global adventures, and if Parker Industries becomes no more in the coming months, thereby makes those global adventures no longer possible, then wouldn’t this make Amazing exactly what Spectacular purports to be? Also, since it looks like Amazing will come out twice a month again, is there really room for a third in-continuity Peter Parker/Spider-Man title. Unless this is all just a way for Marvel finally having a different, consistent voice for Spider-Man other than Dan Slott.

"Credit: Paulo Siqueira (Marvel Comics); cover for Secret Empire: Brave New World #2SECRET EMPIRE: BRAVE NEW WORLD #2 (of 5)Paul Allor, Fabian Nicieza, Rodney Barnes (W)Brian Level, Tana Ford & Juan M. Frigeri (A)Cover by PAULO SIQUEIRADEBUT OF THE ALL-NEW PATRIOT!• Living in the Hydra Nation doesn’t have to be all bad, especially if you can get with the program.• But even in times of peace, some folks help but fight for what’s right.• Featuring The Invaders, Hydra Bob and introducing the all-new Patriot!!32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99"

Commentary: Although the solicit makes it sounds like the “All-New Patriot” will be a new character, I’m guessing he’ll be Eli Bradley of Young Avengers fame in a different costume. Because often times Marvel’s use of the term “All-New” amounts to nothing more than a change in wardrobe. And if that’s the case, I’m sure we’ll get a brief explanation of what happened with him during the time he was last seen during Young Avengers: The Children’s Crusade. And where he got his hands on a Goblin Glider shaped like bald eagle. Also, of course Hydra Bob would be mixed-up in Secret Empire since he’s a Hydra agent. Wonder if this also means a guest-appearance by Deadpool since he and the Merc With the Mouth are kinda-sorta friends.

"Credit: Kevin Wada (Marvel Comics); Mary Jane Variant Cover for Spider-Gwen Vol. 2 #21 Credit: Robbi Rodriguez (Marvel Comics); cover for Spider-Gwen Vol. 2 #21SPIDER-GWEN #21JASON LATOUR (W) • ROBBI RODRIGUEZ (A/C)MARY JANE VARIANT COVER BY Kevin Wada• A new villain has appeared on Earth-65…one with claws and an attitude.• With Wolverine and Matt Murdock gunning for Harry Osborn, Spider-Gwen will need to step in and save him.• However, the cost of this rescue might be her own soul!32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99"

Commentary: Okay, so I was wrong (no surprise there) when I predicted the Earth-65 Wolverine would be a version of one of Logan’s many love interests. Instead, this Wolverine looks like a version of Logan who stayed in Japan and became a member of the Hand. Which is actually in keeping with the idea of Spider-Gwen being a parallel universe with logical deviations from the Marvel Universe. Especially as there’s been an in-continuity story arc about Wolverine working for the Hand called “Enemy of the State.”  Which makes me wonder if the Earth-65 versions of Matt Murdock and Logan are with the Hand, does that mean the Earth-65 Elektra never joined them? Also, regarding this issue’s Mary Jane variant, would an Earth-65 version of a Spider-Woman Mary Jane be called  “Spider-Mary Jane,” or just plain “Spider-Jane?”

"Credit: Francesco Mattina (Marvel Comics); cover for Spider-Man 2099 Vol. 3 #24SPIDER-MAN 2099 #24PETER DAVID (w) • WILL SLINEY (a)Cover by FRANCESCO MATTINA• Miguel races the clock to bring down The Fist before they can complete their plan to bring about the apocalypse.• But with the entire city under some kind of trance, Spidey’s hopes of winning the fight are dwindling…• Luckily, help has appeared in the form of a mysterious new Spider-Man!32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99"

Commentary: Way back when Marvel came out with their Marvel NOW! Previews Catalog, it contained an image of the reported cover for Spider-Man 2099 #21 showing seemingly two different versions of Miguel O’Hara, one of whom was wearing his original Spider-Man 2099 costume. Obviously, the official cover for Spider-Man 2099 #21 turned out very different, but it looks as though will finally get an explanation behind that original Marvel NOW! Previews tease. And given the heavy involvement of time travel, this other Spider-Man 2099 could be a Miguel from an alternative future, or a Miguel plucked from some other point in his own time stream. And if this is another version of Miguel, it’s also possible this could lead to the Miguel we’ve been following this whole time being erased and replaced by his other self. Geez, where’s Doctor Who when you need him to explain all this?

On-Sale June 28, 2017

"Credit: Alex Ross (Marvel Comics); cover for Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #29AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #29DAN SLOTT  (W) • STUART IMMONEN (A)Cover by ALEX ROSSSECRET EMPIRE TIE-IN!• As revealed in ASM #25, Otto Octavius is back as THE SUPERIOR OCTOPUS!!!• And Ock has a mission to take down the company that he helped create: PARKER INDUSTRIES!!!• Does Spider-Man stand a chance?32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99"

Commentary: Correction, whoever wrote these solicits. Doc Ock didn’t just help create Parker Industries–he did create Parker Industries. It’s even implied in Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #20 that he’s also somehow responsible for transforming Parker Industries, when it was the verge of bankruptcy, into a global enterprise without Peter’s knowledge. But in fairness, it’s completely in-character, and makes narrative sense, for Otto being the one to destroy Parker Industries. Especially, as Amazing Spider-Man #25 showed, Otto believes Peter, the person he “entrusted” to look after his “legacy,” is ruining that “legacy.” That said, it does seem rather sudden have yet another Doctor Octopus story so soon after his major role during Clone Conspiracy. Also, it sounds this would’ve happened irregardless of Secret Empire, so this being tie-in to that crossover seems irrelevant.

"Credit: Francesco Mattina (Marvel Comics); Teaser Variant Cover for Edge of Venomverse #1 Credit: Francesco Mattina (Marvel Comics); cover for Edge of Venomverse #1EDGE OF VENOMVERSE #1 (of 5)MATTHEW ROSENBERG (W) • ROLAND BOSCHI (A)Cover by FRANCESCO MATTINAVariant Cover by RON LIMTEASER VARIANT COVER BY FRANCESCO MATTINAEDGE of VENOM-VERSE starts here!The series that sets up the epic VENOM EVENT of 2017 STARTS HERE! Each issue introduces another major Venomized character that will feed into VENOMVERSE itself! THIS ISSUE, the young mutant clone designated X-23 collides with a cryogenic tube containing a strange alien symbiote during her frenzied escape from The Facility, . Bonding with the alien enhances her already considerable abilities, and aids in her escape, but it begins to alter her mind! On the run from the very people that made her, can X-23 hold it together or is she doomed to give in to Venom!32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99"

Commentary: Ah, so that’s why Marvel’s calling this “Venomverse.” Because instead of different versions of Spider-Man from across the multiverse, it’s different versions of Venom from across the multiverse. With a bit of the “everyone becomes a symbiote” madness like there was in Spider-Man’s “Planet of the Symbiotes,” the Mighty Avengers/New Avengers “Venom Bomb” crossover, and Spider-Man: Web of Shadows thrown into the mix. Course, it’s interesting this crossover decides on starting things off with a Venomized version of Laura Kinney/X-23/All-New Wolverine. Which is also a pretty bizarre move to capitalize off the film, Logan, if you ask me.

"Credit: Dan Mora (Marvel Comics); Villain Variant cover for Secret Empire #5 Credit: Andrea Sorrentino (Marvel Comics); Hydra Hero Variant cover for Secret Empire #5 Credit: Mark Brooks (Marvel Comics); cover for Secret Empire #5SECRET EMPIRE #5 (of 9)NICK SPENCER (W) • LEINIL FRANCIS YU (A)Cover by MARK BROOKSVariant Cover by J. SCOTT CAMPBELLHydra Hero Variant Cover by ANDREA SORRENTINOVILLAIN VARIANT COVER BY DAN MORAVARIANT COVER BY LEINIL YUAction Figure Variant Cover by JOHN TYLER CHRISTOPHERThey thought they were safe! They thought they could handle anything that was thrown against them! But the united heroes of the Marvel Universe never reckoned on the dread power that Steve Rogers would unleash! THE SECRET EMPIRE WILL AMAZE YOU!40 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99"

Commentary: I know comic book covers never tell you the full story and are intentionally misleading, but what could this “dread power” be that’s got Hawkeye so freaked out? Well, there was a tweet made by Marvel Comics Editor-In-Chief, Axel Alonso, a few weeks showing a picture of a pair of scientists creating what looked like The Incredible Hulk…with Wolverine’s claws. Because that’s the crazy kind of mad science Hydra would do. (AUTHOR’S NOTE: My mistake. The linked image is the cover for Weapons of Mutant Destruction: Alpha #1, a different crossover involving Totally Awesome Hulk and Weapon X. Still think Hydra Cap’s “dread power”could be a resurrected Bruce Banner/Hulk, though.)


"SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING —THE ART OF THE MOVIE HC SLIPCASE (MOVIE COVER)WRITTEN BY ELENI ROUSSOSFresh off the heels of his first adventure with the Avengers in Marvel Studios’ Captain America: Civil War, Peter Parker is back in action! With a mentor like Tony Stark — a.k.a. Iron Man — it looks like Spider-Man’s about to hit the big time. But New York’s newest villain has other plans. Go behind the scenes in this new keepsake volume continuing Marvel’s popular ART OF collection! Discover exclusive concept art, production stills and commentary from cast and crew as Marvel Studios and Sony team up to bring Spider-Man into the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe!240 PGS./All Ages …$50.00ISBN: 978-1-302-90275-9Trim size: landscapeGUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: NEW GUARD VOL. 2 — WANTED TPBWritten by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDISPenciled by VALERIO SCHITICover by ARTHUR ADAMSPeter Quill, a.k.a. Star-Lord, returns to the fold! But what does that mean for Kitty Pryde, a.k.a. Star-Lord? Is the Marvel Universe big enough for two Star-Lords? Find out as the Guardians face a new Galactic order! The Thing might miss some aspects of Earth, but he does admit space has its perks. Like riding alien horses into action as Ben Grimm: Space Barbarian! Venom and Groot get in way over their heads fighting Skrulls — and everyone knows that when Bendis writes Skrulls, it’s bad news! The galaxy’s two deadliest warriors, Gamora and Drax, take the fight to the Badoon! And Angela makes her dramatic return! They’re the galaxy’s most wanted, but they’ll still guard it all the same! Collecting GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (2015) #6-10.136 PGS./Rated T …$19.99ISBN: 978-0-7851-9951-9MARVEL UNIVERSE ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN VS. THE SINISTER SIX VOL. 3 DIGESTAdapted by JOE CARAMAGNAFeaturing screen-capture images from MARVEL’S ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN VS. THE SINISTER SIXThe search for Nick Fury! Fury has been missing ever since Doctor Octopus launched his attack on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Helicarrier — and Spider-Man is on a quest to find him! But instead of Fury, Spider-Man finds…Hydro-Man! He’s sure to make a big splash! If that turns into a washout, maybe Spidey will have better luck searching in Attilan — home of the Inhumans! Plus: Doc Ock’s sinister plot is revealed at last! Can Spidey survive Ock’s master plan? Collecting MARVEL UNIVERSE ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN VS. THE SINISTER SIX #9-11 and MARVEL UNIVERSE ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #1.96 PGS./All Ages …$9.99ISBN: 978-1-302-90260-5AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: WORLDWIDE VOL. 6 TPBWritten by DAN SLOTT, HANNAH BLUMENREICH, CALE ATKINSON & MOREPenciled by STUART IMMONEN, GIUSEPPE CAMUNCOLI, HANNAH BLUMENREICH, CALE ATKINSON & MORECover by ALEX ROSSAn old enemy, a new artist! Stuart Immonen joins the team just in time for the return of none other than Norman Osborn! Silver Sable is back, too — as Peter Parker encounters yet another old face back from the dead! With a goblin army behind him, Osborn has worked his way into a position of power in Sable’s native Symkaria, where any incursion by Spider-Man will be seen as an act of war. Will Spidey risk international infamy to take down his most dangerous foe? Find out in the ultimate action thriller that just had to be called…THE OSBORN IDENTITY! Plus: Amazing bonus stories from creators new and old! Collecting AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (2015) #25-28.160 PGS./Rated T …$19.99ISBN: 978-1-302-90293-3COLOR YOUR OWN MARVEL MASTERSPenciled by JACK KIRBY, STEVE DITKO, JOHN ROMITA SR., JOHN BUSCEMA & MORECover by JACK KIRBY Celebrate the Mighty Marvel Age of Coloring Books with the artistic legends who helped build the House of Ideas! Icons of the field such as Jack Kirby, the unquestioned “King” of comics, whose boundless imagination populated the emerging Marvel Universe with a cornucopia of colorful, costumed characters — including the Fantastic Four, Avengers and X-Men! His far-out fantasy masterpieces must be seen to be believed! Then there’s “Sturdy” Steve Ditko, who ripped up the super hero rule book with Spider-Man and sent Doctor Strange into a psychedelic kaleidoscope of spellbinding dimensions! The incredible work of Kirby, Ditko and their celebrated contemporaries awaits in crisp black and white — and YOU get to stand on the shoulders of these giants by spreading the hues on some Marvel masterworks!120 PGS./All Ages …$9.99ISBN: 978-1-302-90273-5PATSY WALKER, A.K.A. HELLCAT! VOL. 3: CARELESS WHISKER(S) TPBWritten by KATE LETHPenciled by BRITTNEY L. WILLIAMSCover by BRITTNEY L. WILLIAMSHellcat has had nothing but bad luck ever since the Black Cat crossed her path. And now that Felicia’s got a whole girl gang in her claws, how can Patsy possibly win this cat fight?! Find out in the big showdown — gato a gato! Then, Patsy will be laid low by sickness — but this is far from a common cold! Is she having fever dreams or living nightmares? As chaos breaks out all over Brooklyn, Hellcat must rely on her nearest and dearest to put out the fires — and make soup! All she wants is to get better and hang out with Jubilee at the mall: swing by the food court, catch a movie, share a fashion montage. Certainly there’d be no fighting villains. What would a villain possibly be doing at the mall? Uh-oh! Collecting PATSY WALKER, A.K.A. HELLCAT! #13-17.112 PGS./Rated T …$15.99ISBN: 978-1-302-90662-7PROWLER: THE CLONE CONSPIRACY TPBWritten by SEAN RYANPenciled by JAVIER SALTARES & JAMAL CAMPBELLCover by TRAVEL FOREMANEven a super hero’s life can get boring. Double-check your gear. Patrol the city. Save the innocent. Report back to your boss, the Jackal. Wait — what? Why is Prowler working for the Jackal, and not Spider-Man? Hobie Brown, a.k.a. the Prowler, may believe in what his new boss is doing, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. As his assignments get more dangerous, Hobie will be forced to wrestle not only with the meaning of his existence, but also the underground army of unruly super villains the Jackal has resurrected! And when the whole operation begins to crumble, some of those deadly foes may be out to settle some scores! If Hobie makes it out the other side of THE CLONE CONSPIRACY, what life will be left for him? Collecting PROWLER (2016) #1-6.136 PGS./Rated T+ …$17.99ISBN: 978-1-302-90655-9SPIDER-MAN: WEBSPINNERS — THE COMPLETE COLLECTION TPBWritten by J.M. DEMATTEIS, ERIC STEPHENSON, JOE KELLY, PAUL JENKINS, HOWARD MACKIE, RURIK TYLER, TOM DEFALCO, RON FRENZ, MARC ANDREYKO & KEITH GIFFENPenciled by MICHAEL ZULLI, JOHN ROMITA SR., KEITH GIFFEN, ANDY SMITH, BART SEARS, SEAN PHILLIPS, J.G. JONES, GRAHAM NOLAN, RURIK TYLER, RON FRENZ & JILL THOMPSONCover by J.G. JONESA host of comic-book talents spin yarns across the web of Spidey history! Dive deep inside the goldfish bowl for a look at the early motivations of Mysterio! Solve the decades-old mystery of why the Silver Surfer abandoned his plan to attack mankind! Head back to Midtown High’s senior prom with ladies’ man Peter Parker — but who invited the Sandman? Chameleon spirals out of control, Vulture plots the perfect crime and a black-suited Spider-Man joins Silver Sable on a mission of international intrigue! And there are no positives to a trip to the Negative Zone — particularly when Cletus Kasady is along for the ride and Blastaar the Living Bomb-Burst is the welcoming party! Plus: Two rarely seen black-and-white tales! Collecting WEBSPINNERS: TALES OF SPIDER-MAN #1-18 and material from SHADOWS & LIGHT (1998) #2-3.480 PGS./Rated T …$39.99ISBN: 978-1-302-90681-8"

Commentary: Not much to say about these trades (and coloring book), except for Webspinners. Also known as Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man, this was an anthology series which out right around the time the Spider-Man IP was at its lowest. The comics were still reeling from the Clone Saga debacle, and thin 1998, the Spider-Man line was canceled and restarted with three ongoings: Amazing Spider-Man, Peter Parker: Spider-Man, and this series. Naturally, despite the talent attached to it, Webspinners flew under the radar with fans and only lasted for 18 issues. Even so, there were some pretty good stories that came out this, like J.M. DeMatteis’ “The Kiss,” (a flashback story about the last date Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy had prior to her death) and Joe Kelly’s “The Bridge” (in which Peter tries getting a date from Prom while the Sandman’s on the loose).

That completes June 2017’s list of Spider-Man comics, tie-ins, and collections. What you think about Spider-Man getting caught up in another crossover, and do think it will lead to the definite end for Parker Industries? And is there a Mary Jane Variant, including ones not covered here, which stands out as your favorite?