“Legion” Season 1 Episode 8 Recap And Review: “Chapter Eight”

“Legion” closes out its first season with a finale that pulls no punches. Action-packed, full of thrills and twists, we’ve got you covered on the recap

Welcome to the season one finale of Legion! I do hope you guys have enjoyed this show as much as I have (and as crazy as it is to try to recap).

So where did the season finale take us on David’s adventure to uncover the truth, reality, and take down the Shadow King?

Not-So-Short Summary

We get to see the Interrogator in the aftermath of David’s rescue, how horribly burned he is, and how he makes it through to heal. It’s a bit of a slower start for Legion, but it’s cool to see flashbacks to the first few episodes (which feel so long ago!).

“The second I walk out of this room, I’m going to war,” he tells his case worker when he returns to work. And he comes back in style, maroon suit and snazzy cane.

Photo credit FX

Snap back to the present where David assembles all the soldiers into a giant pillar. Let the peace accords begin (even though Division 3 is watching everything through the Interrogator’s eye)!

Ptonomy wants to kill him, Cary wants to keep the Shadow King at bay, and Melanie wants him to read the Interrogator’s mind to get information. All the while Lenny whispers in his ear.

Melanie takes him on first. They banter and threat back and forth until she basically says his threats of armies are meaningless now that she’s seen what David is capable of. You know, while David just casually floats ten feet in the air and Lenny claws to get out.

David comes across super creepy in his faceoff against the Interrogator (Clark), bit that’s not the important thing. Syd gets sent to her and David’s happy place where Lenny persuades Syd to help her escape from David’s mind and keep him, you know, relatively in tact when he leaves.

LEGION — “Chapter 7” – Season 1, Episode 7 (Airs Wednesday, March 22, 10:00 pm/ep) — Pictured: (l-r) Jean Smart as Melanie Bird, Bill Irwin as Cary Loudermilk. CR: Michelle Faye/FX

Of course, he passes out and things start to get worse. Syd gives Clark a window into the truth, and Oliver sets up the perimeter around David.

They try to force the Shadow King out of David’s mind and the entire sequence in David’s is set to “Breathe/On the Run” by Pink Floyd and it’s the best thing this show has done (that might be an overstatement on my part).

David and the Shadow King finally meet face-to-face, and it’s interesting because David knows his powers and can freeze him. And yet he realizes that Lenny is his phantom limb–what is he when Lenny is gone?

“I’m not leaving,” it growls as it starts to take over. Syd rushes in to David’s rescue and gives him a kiss so they switch places and the Shadow King transfers to her. And then to Kerry, who kicks Cary out of the way, while Ptonomy attempts to shoot her. Even Clark tries to get his hands on her and she knocks him back.

David shows up Magneto-style and takes her on in the hallway. Their energies collide and fire them backwards, only for the Shadow King collides with Oliver. And it feels like nothing happens to him. He casually walks out and drives away.

Except Lenny’s in the car with him, and starts blasting “Children of the Revolution” by T. Rex.

Post-Credits Stinger

“They’re headed south,” David tells Syd of Oliver and Lenny. A floating orb appears out of nowhere, scans David, and zaps him into it, carrying him off to unknown places.

Badass Moment of the Week

Man, I’m a sucker for music. I have to go with the Pink Floyd sequence. I mean, it’s the best part of the song, too, where if you hear it on the radio, you just crank it up as loud as you can and listen to the crescendo of music. It’s the perfect set up for the extraction scene.

Best One-Liner

“Shit,” Clark says in response to David stacking his A-team into a giant tower. I don’t think there’s a better reaction.

LEGION — “Chapter 6” – Season 1, Episode 6 (Airs Wednesday, March 15, 10:00 pm/ep) — Pictured: (l-r) Dan Stevens as David Haller, Aubrey Plaza as Lenny “Cornflakes” Busker. CR: Michelle Faye/FX

I’m sorry, did David quote a Christmas song? Indeed he did! Specifically, John Lennon’s terrible “Happy Christmas (War Is Over),” and while I don’t like the song, I still cracked up.

Well, that wraps up season one of Legion! You had to know the Shadow King wasn’t going to go down in just one season. He’s more powerful than that. And who the heck took David at the end and where the heck is he going? Maybe Charles Xavier has been tracking him with Cerebro–or noticed the mutant energy fluctuation and came to investigate.

We will find out when season two of Legion arrives! I hope to find you all back here ready and waiting for this fantastic show’s return.