Her Cape comic review: Suicide Squad #18


General Zod has awakened in Suicide Squad #18 and despite Amanda Waller’s best laid plans, there’s no controlling Zod. Ever.

In Suicide Squad #18, Amanda Waller has succeeded in bringing General Zod back to life as the “Earthlings on Fire” storyline continues. However, any hopes she had of controlling him fly out the window as soon as he takes care of the bomb in his head, thus removing any control mechanisms she might have over him.

Before Zod starts wreaking havoc, Harley Quinn and Rick Flag are sharing an intimate moment together. They both know their relations could get them into big trouble with Amanda Waller, but Harley points out that they’d be in trouble no matter what. Neither one of them has control over their own lives, so why not live in the moment?

While sharing a passionate embrace with Flag, Zod takes control of his mind by removing the device implanted in his head, and Harley thinks the loud cry she hears is Flag in the throes of passion.

If only it was that easy, am I right?

Needless to say, having Zod roaming around is going to be a big challenge for the Squad, and it doesn’t help when some of Zod’s Kryptonian companions show up.

DC Comics Rebirth

Issue: Suicide Squad #18

Writer: Rob Williams

Pencils: Tony S. Daniel

Inks: Sandu Florea

Colors:  Tomeu Morey

The team of Tony S. Daniel, Sandy Florea and Tomeu Morey did an amazing job with the artwork in this book. The cover of Suicide Squad #18 is visually stunning, with several members of the Squad on the ground as Zod holds Harley in the air and Deadshot on the ground in what might be a bit of foreshadowing…

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Suicide Squad #18 is available in stores on May 24.